Chapter twenty-three...

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We have spent days together, around London, in his apartment, in the house. My family like him, Henry seems really protective of me though.

I have some underwear and such at Matthew's from when I don't want to go back.

He also made me promise to not run away again. I promised right away.

Henry and Katie have gotten closer, I can see the glint in his eyes when Henry sees her. It's almost the same way I look at Matthew.

Henry's having a better time, his classes and friends are amazing.

Melissa is being taught how to not be a bitch and Sarah was sent to boarding school, it was a crazy day when all that happened.

I'm currently sat on Matthew's bed and as he watches the TV on some detective show I am twisting tiny braids into his hair, it's gotten longer since we met and it's so soft to touch. His head is resting on my lap as I have my legs folded beneath me, I can see his eyes drooping slightly and as I place a soft kiss to his head he rolls off me and is swept away by sleep.

Walking to the kitchen I think of what to do, I want him to sleep for as long as he can. He usually only has Sundays off but today is Saturday and I want him to rest from all the long days. God, I sound like a middle-aged woman.

His kitchen is amazing, I love everything in here. I rummage through the cupboards looking for something I can cook, I set my sights on a Peruvian dish, tallarines verdes, it seems like something he would like. It's easy and quick and delicious.

I set about making it and am done fairly quickly. I grab two bowls from the cupboard and grab some forks, I plate up the pasta and take the bowls back up to the bedroom. When I'm there I see Matthew stirring from a short sleep, he rolls over and sees me a smile spreads over his face.

I raise the bowls and he sits up almost immediately. Handing him one he looks over to me questioningly, I grab the pad from the bedside and write quickly 'It's tallarines verdes, its Peruvian try it'.

He does so and his eyes go wide.

"It's amazing." He says to me, I sigh. Thank god, I can actually do something helpful. We ate all the pasta and just lazed around the rest of the day, I like these days, no worries, responsibilities or anything. Just us, two men who... have strong feelings for each other, while smiling like idiots.

There's nothing I wouldn't do to keep this.

I start thinking about my future, maybe I could do something in catering or a culinary career. There's always my art as a way but those drawings are for me and I'm happy keeping them private, it's my escape. I could find a job in a café or something, I know Matthew has all the money he could need and more but I want to help out. I want to look after him as much as he looks after me, even Angel loves being here. She has been in the apartment a few times and Matthew made sure to buy dog bowls for her, he's too sweet sometimes.

God, we're like an old married couple...

That sounds nice...

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