1. the beginning

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Anaya's Pov

"Get up for School loser!" I hear my older brother Sean say as he bangs on my door. I let out a sigh and check my hair to see if it's still wrapped, surprisingly it still is. I sigh once again, I hated high school. It's just society's bright idea to put all their aggressive, pubescent, self righteous, naive youth into one environment to torment and emotionally scar each other for life.

My parents got divorced and now I live in Atlanta with my mom. I loved it in New York. I had my friends and all my family lived nearby. Not only did I leave my friends behind, but my boyfriend of 7 months, Chris, too. Now I have to attend a new school, make new friends and basically start over.

"HEY ARE YOU UP YET?!", Sean yells from downstairs. Ugh. I yell a quick yes and rush to the bathroom to get ready. I'm so tired I don't think I can make it to the bus stop. You would think at 16 I would at least have my permit. But no, my mom kept putting it off and that "we'll do it later".

After I finish my shower and brushing my teeth, I unwrap my hair and stand in front of the mirror. I looked in the mirror and groaned because of how messy my hair looked. Since I was being lazy I just let it down, going for that messy look.

I'm not ugly but I don't think I'm beautiful either. I have thick lips, big curly hair, big dark eyes and a big nose. I'm what you call "light skin" but I hate the whole categorizing shit. Your African American no matter your skin tone because at the end of the day all the papers you sign are gonna say African American.

I go into my room and begin to get dressed for the first day of junior year

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I go into my room and begin to get dressed for the first day of junior year. My outfit consisted of my thrifted light blue high waisted jeans, favorite custom Rihanna shirt, Puma Creepers, choker and my Tommy Hilfiger cap.

 My outfit consisted of my thrifted light blue high waisted jeans, favorite custom Rihanna shirt, Puma Creepers, choker and my Tommy Hilfiger cap

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I picked up my black bag and ran downstairs to eat breakfast before my brother began to wonder where I'm at. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw my brother in front of the tv flipping through channels.

"Your breakfast is on the table", Sean muttered under his breath. I say a quick thanks as I rush into the kitchen to find pancakes and bacon on a plate. Since I'm pig, I sit down and devour the food as if it's my last. I put the dishes in the sink and tell my brother I'm leaving. If he was nice enough he would at least drop me off but no he can be such an ass.
As I enter the school and walk down the hallway, there's nobody to be found. I check the time on the wall at the entrance that reads, 8:15, well I'm now fifteen minutes late. Way to start off the first day.

I walk to the main office to be greeted by an overexcited middle-aged lady that goes by the name, Ms. Dorian.

"Hi! Welcome to Riverdale High! You must be Anaya Jackson!", Ms. Dorian said in such joy I didn't even know was possible.

"Uh yeah, do you happen to have my schedule?"
"Oh yes of course! Why don't you take a seat and I'll be right with you"

I thank her and take a seat on a slightly green stained chair. As I'm scrolling through my phone, I hear yelling and I look up to see a boy with dark hair storm out of a door in the back. Who I'm assuming is the principal is yelling at him to return to his office immediately after lunch. He gives me a quick look and I'm startled at how green and beautiful his eyes are. Just as he, exits my name is called and I receive my schedule.

231...233...ah 234. I take a deep breath and enter the class just to be met with eyes on me. I roll my eyes in annoyance and hand a note to the teacher.

"Oh you must be Anaya , I was expecting you. Why don't you tell the class a few things about yourself."
I was trying to avoid this at all costs, but here I am. What am I supposed to say? My dads a little hoe and abused my mom when he was fucking around with his coworkers, Hoetanya and Sluterina.

"Hi, I'm Naya and I just moved from New York", I say in the most confident voice I could muster.
That is until I here a girl mutter, "more like hoe city" and the whole class erupts in laughter.

"That'll be enough Miss. Chavez, Anaya why don't take a seat next to Alex, Alex raise your hand"

I quickly walk over to the seat. I can't believe that just happened and I didn't even stick up for myself. To be honest, I depended on my friends a lot back home. They always had my back. When someone was talking shit, but here I am just me, myself and I.
The bell rings and I rush to find my locker since it's lunch time and I'm starving. Once I get my locker open I shove my English, Biology and Art books and slam my locker shut. As I make my way to lunch I spot the girl that embarrassed me in English. She stares back and smirks before her whole posse starts giggling.

I make way to the lunch line and a grumpy looking lady with short, curly huge hair gave me tray of food . Which consisted of fried dough with sugar and broccoli. I also grabbed an apple and a strawberry kiwi Snapple to go with my lunch. 

I slowly walk around looking for a seat, that is until I spot an empty table. I make my way towards it and sit down, I begin to happily eat my food. The cafeteria food is honestly not that bad. As I'm digging into my fried dough and sipping my Snapple at the same time, I feel a presence behind me. I immediately turned around to find six tall guys and the rest of the cafeteria staring at me. Why do I keep putting myself in the center of attention? I mentally hit myself.

"Why the fuck are you sitting at my table?", the boy from the office said glaring down at me. I glance around the cafe, to hear whispers from the tables next to me and I just freeze, unable to speak.

That is when a white boy comes to my rescue, his name Alex?... I think.
"Hey man she's new and has no idea, come on Naya", Alex says, his voice firm and strong. God I'm such a loser. He grabs my forearm and lifts me up with ease.

I look at green eyes and grab my lunch before scurrying behind Alex nearly tripping over my feet. Once I make my way to his table I spot another boy and two other girls sitting there talking as if nothing happened. That is until I take a seat they begin to throw questions at me.

"Girl, that wasn't real smart"
"You must be new cuz why the fuck would you sit there."
"He's pretty hot huh."
"You stupid."
"Is you a hoe or a friend?"

Alex quickly shuts them up and introduces them. Taylor a black girl with purple hair, loud but sweet, she had on mom jeans and a sweater crop top. Francesca had this mean girl vibe, but pretty chill, her hair was in braids and she wore short shorts and a very revealing crop top. Nicholas was pretty chill too, he had a sort of white hair and a handsome smile.

"Uh hi I'm Naya, whose the boys at that table?", I say trying to ignore all the questions that were being thrown at me. Everyone at the table stares at me in confusion before erupting in laughter.

"That's Jacob and his brothers Benjamín and Noah", Francesca says as if she's read all of this right out of a book.
"Yeah and don't forget Mateo, Danny and Adam his best friends, that's basically their table and you just sat in it", Nic replied matter of factly.

I look back just in time to see Jacob staring back at me with an unlit cigarette between his index and middle finger. I turned back around nervously peeling my orange, "What the hell did I just get myself into?"


Ahh guys so that the end of the first chapter! Hope y'all liked it!  Btw this is my first book so please bare with me😬....
what do you guys think of Naya?

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