7. exposed (part 2)

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(WARNING: mature content;sexual harassment, don't read if you aren't comfortable)

Anaya's Pov.

It was nearly 8 and Taylor has convinced my mom to let me 'sleepover' her house, but really we were getting ready to go to a party at

*dramatic drumroll*

Jacobs house.

Apparently, every year, when his parents are away on business, he hosts a huge party at his house and invites nearly the whole school. So, now thats what we were doing, getting ready to party...my first party. I'm not really a party scene kind of girl. You know the drinking and the drugs and shit. I don't even know my drinking limit, so I'm just gonna try and stay away from the alcohol.

Tay and I were currently in the bathroom. She was taking a shower and I was laying my edges.

"Tay you need to hurry, Alex is gonna be here soon." I say while brushing a stray strand that was out of place. She grunts in annoyance before stepping out without her towel.

"Taylor!" I quickly cover my eyes. I know I'm a girl and it shouldn't matter, but I get uncomfortable seeing other people naked.

"Calm down Naya, I have my towel on now." she laughs and leaves the bathroom to get ready.

I was already dressed. I had on this pink long tight dress with buttons all down the middle and I paired it with my air max's and a jean jacket since its a little chilly tonight. I loved my outfit, it was dressy and casual at the same time. (Her outfit above)

Taylor wore this pink long sleeved crop top with skinny jeans and air forces. She looked cute as always.


"Nay, lets go! Alex texted me he's outside", Taylor says while applying lipgloss on.

We quietly sneak out of my room, trying not to wake up my mom. Once outside, I lock the door and we walk over to Alex's car. In the front seat sat his friend Nic, which the last time I saw was on the first day of class. Francesca sat in the back with high waisted shorts and tank bodysuit with an open back.

I slid in, sitting in the middle and Tay had the window seat. Ugh I hate the middle cause all I get are elbows.

"Okayy ladies, you guys look hot," Alex smirked looking through his rear view mirror. If I was white I'd be visibly blushing right now.

"Haha thanks Alex, but eyes on the road." Taylor winked at him before putting on her seatbelt.

The music could be heard a block away. I'm surprised no cops have shown up yet.
Driving into the twisted gate that was left open, first thing I notice is how huge his house looked. The ground had white stones with grass that surrounded the side. In the middle, I noticed a angel fountain with water spurting from its hand. The exterior was covered in this cream coating and grey stone with large glass windows that I know let's in a lot of light during the day.  It honestly was a very beautiful house to say the least.

Once I stepped in through the opened black door, the music became just as loud. The bass thumping with my heartbeat, cups and people littered the ground. I stumbled into a very sweaty drunken guy before shoving him out of the way to find my friends.

I only end up finding Francesca, but she was sucking faces with this guy, so I just make my way through the kitchen and text Tay to tell her where I'm at.

"Hi, I'm Adam." I look over to see this pretty light skin boy smiling at me with his hand out. I notice him as one of one of Jacobs friends.

"Uh Hi Adam, Naya", I shake his hand and turn around continuing on with my business which was trying to find someone I know.

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