9. bitch please

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Anaya's POV.

"Moooommm pleasseeee I don't feel well I don't wanna go to school" I pleaded on my knees hoping she would say 'ok honey you can stay home'...but boy was I wrong.

"Girl get your ass upstairs before you miss the bus." She rolled her eyes at me before proceeding to making breakfast.

"Fine. Don't go far today because you will be expecting a phone call from the nurse." I march my ass upstairs to get ready. To be honest I really wasn't feeling well, but I get it, I already missed too many days of school.

After my shower I get dressed into ripped jeans, this old shirt from 9th grade and my white Fila sneakers. I also grabbed my yellow rain jacket, although it was raining it was still a nice day in Cali.

I was doing my hair when I notice the bus pass right by window

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I was doing my hair when I notice the bus pass right by window. Shit there goes my ride. And my moms gonna think I did it on purpose.

I grab my bag and head downstairs slowly towards the kitchen, head down and mustering up the most sad face I could without looking guilty.

"Mom, you wouldn't believe this, I missed the bus. I'm ready and everything, looks like your gonna have to bring me school." I pick up my head and sigh.

"Naya I can't bring you, I have a meeting at 8:15." Shes shoving food into her bag in annoyance without even glancing at me.

"Well looks like I'm staying home." I take a seat across from her at the island smiling triumphantly. Hehe I get to stay home.

"Uh no, Gary's home, I'll ask him to give you a ride. This way you guys can get to know eachother better." She smiles tapping my arm before making her way upstairs.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I would rather walk the 5 miles to school.

"Uh mom it's okay I'll have a friend to drop me." I quickly say, obviously too late as I see Gary walking towards me with his keys in hand.

"Nonsense. I'm ready I could drop you off." He gives my mom a peck before heading outside. I give my mother a hug bye and slowly follow Gary.

The inside of his car was absolutely disgusting. As if he has been living in it for months. The dashboard stained with grease with duct tape barely holding it together. There was no room to sit because his clothes sat comfortably on the seats practically hiding the floor.

"Uh sorry about that, rough times the past few months." He tosses the clothes aside revealing the passenger seat. I sit and look out the window obviously he wasn't getting the hint.

"You know your a very beautiful woman. Like your mother. Maybe even prettier." He glances at me while my heart feels like it's about to jump out my chest. We pass the second intersection, which makes it about 7 more minutes till we're on school grounds.

"You know I'm sorry about the way it turned out with us. I was drunk and absolutely a mess. I'm not normally like that." At the next red light he places his right hand on my leg.

"DON'T fucking touch me. EVER. AGAIN.
or I swear—"

"What. What are you gonna do Naya? Otherwise you would've done it already." He smirks, looking at me while tears threaten to pour from my eyes, but I can't let him win.

"What do you think I'm still here for huh? Your mother and I have done many things already. You name it we've done it. I'm here to stay. Your mother loves and trusts me with her family." He places his right arm behind my seat, looking into my eyes.

I begin to hyperventilate it feels as though the air is being sucked out the car.

"We're gonna be a family." He smiles and winks at me and unlocks the car signaling that we've arrived.

I step out the car and rush into the school, bumping into a hard chest.

"Niña? What's wrong?" I look up to find Jacob staring down at me, eyebrows furrowed and chewing his bottom lip. His twin brothers Benjamin and Noah were staring in confusion. Wow this is awkward.

"Uh I have to go, umm I have class." I avert his gaze and head to the bathroom. Honestly this day couldn't get any worse.


I grabbed today's lunch. Grilled cheese, broccoli and a carton of milk. I find my friends and everyone quiets down as soon as I sit. Wtf

"Uh Hey guys" I shyly smile at everyone while opening my strawberry milk.

"Hey guys? Didn't realize we were still friends," Taylor replies annoyingly, rolling her eyes before trying to have a conversation with Francesca.

"Excuse me?" I sigh not ready to deal with anymore bullshit this morning.

"Woowww really? You left me at the party! Ohh but that's okay cause many people say they saw you leave with Jacob, right? Did you fuck him?" She sneered her face wayyy to close to mine.

"Fuck you! I honestly don't have time for your shit right now." I snapped standing.

"Come on Naya, you don't have to leave, just apologize cause what you did was a pretty ass thing to do." Alex pleads trying to end the argument, but honestly I wasn't having it.

"No Alex let the whore go, nobody wants her here." Taylor spats in my face, I'm not gonna lie that hurt, but I won't let it get to me.

"Whore? Bitch please, don't be proud if every guy wants you. Cheap items have many buyers." I grab my bag and head outside cause I would rather be anywhere else then home or here.


Cue sad music 😢 geez

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