17. tough love

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Saturday//7:30amJacob's POV

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Jacob's POV.

"Look JJ, stop beating yourself up about her before you pass out in my ring." Cane sighed squirting water down his throat. Although he's high key a drug dealer and had tattoos that covered his body; I still saw him as a 'father figure.' He practically raised me since I was 10. I just left that part out when Naya met him the day I got her high. The times of disappearing all hours of the day? I was with this guy. No one cared anyway. Never asked where I was going or where I've been. Cane was a big dude. Not one to be messed with. He has put me in my place plenty of times, which ended up with me showing up to school with a couple of bruises. A boxing match against him and I've been losing since I was 15. That was just his way of turning me into a man.

"Shes a liar." I reply slamming my fist into the bag.

"So are you. She doesn't know about your boxing...your dealing..." Cane leaned against the ropes, wrapping his hands. "You know what would make you feel better? Winning against me." He knows dang well that I'll lose. Of course. But I'm not one to back out of a fight.

He walked to the middle of the ring, motioning his hands towards himself.

"Muy bien, vamos a luchar" (very well, let's fight)

I lunge towards Cane, throwing a punch only for him to dodge it and collide his fist into my torso. I pull back and aim straight for his chest which knocks him back a few.

"Ah damn someone's mad." Cane hisses a bit, rubbing his chest and coughing a little before pushing me into the ropes and punching me square in the face, twice.

"Alright kid I think that's enough." Cane pulls back and reaches for his water bottle. But I'm not done yet though. I haven't proved myself.

"Get back here and fight old man!" I yell huffing and puffing. I stagger a bit, but hold my balance.

"You know this is why I like you. You have courage, but you also need to understand when enough is enough. Your bleeding all over my floor." Cane takes off the wrappings on his hands and tosses them to the ground.

"What are you a coward! You can't get anything right! What a piece of shit...what a piece of shit..." I hadn't realized that I was crying. God the last time I've cried this hard was when I was little kid, one of the worse days of my life. When I lost someone, like I've lost Nay. The only person I could blame though was myself.

"It's ok mio figlio. Come on let's clean you up." Cane sits me down on a small stool and grabs a moist cloth from the table.

"She'll forgive you. Just give her time." He twists a corner of the towel and shoves it up my nose, signaling me to hold it.

"The day you brought her by the tattoo parlor, I knew she was somethin' special."

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