Chapter 12

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Athena's POV

Every since that day I couldn't help but feel conscious whenever he is around. Frankenstein expressed his thoughts (with his signature smirk) but I dismissed it, seeing that it was ridiculous. But there was that nagging feeling in my chest that demands the opposite of what my mind is telling me to do. It's conflicting.

Sigh, though I would be lying when I say that I am not at least attracted to him but I know that right now, it was beyond attraction and I should stop it; for both our sakes. He is the Noblesse; the symbol of power and having the responsibility that is already a burden on his shoulders. I don't want to be the source of his weakness that his enemies might use against him (not that I think they would even get their hands on me *shrug shoulders).

"You're being a coward, Athena." I put down the tea cup I was holding and glared at Frankenstein, who was standing in front of me. We are currently in the newly decorated garden of the mansion. I was enjoying a peaceful moment when he decided to break it with his thoughts, "What are you talking about?" I answered him coldly.

He sat down the marble chair and laced his arms together, using it as a support to hold his head while staring at me as if I was the stupidest person he has ever met. I rolled my eyes and ignored him, drinking the last bit of lavender tea that was inside the cup then put it on the tray, together with the others.

"Gen, why are you--"

"Ignoring him? Saving his ass from making the stupidest mistake of his life because I care about his safety? Because I know that if I return whatever feelings he has for me they would use that to their advantage?" His eyes widened and so were mine, Sh**.

"What are you talking about?" He looked at me, already giving me the I-smell-something-fishy look. I looked away, trying to look as cool as possible, "Nothing."

"I think you mistook me for someone who cannot take those subtle hints Athena," he chuckled darkly and gave me a serious look; one that I have never seen him wear before, "Who do you mean by they??" He insisted.

I wanted to tell him but the forces that are involved are much too powerful for him because I know for sure he would most definitely go crazy about it. It concerns our Master after all. I know he knows that Sir Raizel uses his life force to get power and, much like myself, he doesn't like it. The Lord also expressed his worry by giving him the cross earring.

I opened my mouth, "I-I...." I shook my head to dismiss my stuttering, "It's nothing to be concerned about. I merely meant those people in general that are up to no good and are probably targeting the Master's life."

He doesn't buy it, I know, but luckily he knows when and when not to pry. He knows that whatever reason I have for hiding what I know, it is all for his sake. I stood up and dusted my dress before turning to the mansion, "We should get inside."


The following days were weird. The moment I woke up I had this feeling, not the good one but the feeling that most people get when something is about to happen and their instincts tell them that it's not good. There was nothing wrong that occurred on that day except for the fact that Raizel went to visit Muzaka and his daughter, Ashley. I've met the brunette during one of those times where I wander amongst the woods by myself; she's a sweet girl and knows how to "discipline" her father. She's a good cook and a skilled warrior, well, almost. No, it's something else. Something...worse

"Ah, master, you have returned." I bowed slightly, acknowledging his presence as he entered the room. He nodded slightly, "I have returned." Frankenstein was inside his special room (yup, special) so it's just me and him. Thump, thump, goes the beat of my heart and blood reached its way to my face. I felt conscious all of a sudden; is my hair alright? Do I look good in this dress or should I choose another? Do I smell bad?

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