Chapter 16 part 2

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3rd Person's POV

Athena and Lagus went down the flight of stairs, both anxious to what they may discover below. After what seemed to be hours of walking they finally came into a halt, finding themselves face to face in front of a tightly sealed door.

"It's another door. " Athena whispered. She walked nearer to the door and touched it, hoping that what happened earlier will happen again.

"Why didn't it work? " Lagus asked her. Athena shook her head as she replied, "I have no idea. "

Lagus sighed, more to himself. He was finally about to find out the mystery of the Alstreim Clan and now this?

"Perhaps there is some sort of key. " Lagus suggested. Athena stared ar the wall, hoping to find some sort of clue on how to open it. And alas she did! Just above what the light can touch was a very familiar symbol.

"My birthmark. " she mumbled to herself but loud enough for Lagus to hear.

"Your birthmark? "

Athena nodded and ripped off a part of her sleeve, showing the same mark as the one on the wall, "My parents told me that this appeared during the early stages of my birth. "

"Well,  go on. " Lagus said, reigning his eagerness.

Athena stepped forward and lifted her arm. As if the door had eyes, it opened the moment she lifted it and revealed a large poor litted room. It was basically empty, except for a table located at the center.

"What is this? " Athena spoke, mostly to herself as she found the table empty.

"What's going on? " Lagus said, slightly showing his frustration.

"I don't know, " Athena replied, "I don't understand. Why go through all the trouble to seal an empty room? "

"There must be something here. " Lagus said as he started walking around. Athena did the same but stopped when he heard Shuu's voice,  "I don't trust him. He's giving off a bad vibe. "

"Don't be like that. Lagus is a respected Clan Leader and one of the oldest nobles in Lukedonia."

"Doesn't mean he's trustworthy. "

"Shuu... "

Athena heard him sigh,  "Whatever. Just be careful around him. Don't tell too much. "

"Fine. "

"Have you found anything? " Lagus noticed Athena staring into the darkness so he assumed that she found something.

Athena blinked, "Ah, no, I'm sorry. "

"It's getting late. You should head back to sir Raizel. He might be getting worried about you. "Lagus smiled at her. Athena blushed at the statement, "W-What makes you say that?? "

Oh? What's this?

"Do you like the Noblesse, Miss Alstreim? " Lagus asked quite frankly, taking Athena by surprise.

"N-N-No, what makes you say that? "

"You're stammering, " Lagus pointed out,  "It's not really like you to stammer. "

Athena stepped back a little, completely at loss on what to say. Lagus noticed her becoming uncomfortable and he grinned inwardly,  Oho, interesting.

"It's alright, you don't need to tell me. "

"W-What? "

Lagus chuckled,  "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. " Because I already know.

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