Chapter 19

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Author's Note

Hey dearies! How are you? Yeah, I'm sorry for taking so long to update but hurrah 1st semester is over. You know what that means right?

On to the story!

Athena 's POV

I excused myself before any of them could see my tear stained face. I closed the door of my room and faced the darkness that enveloped me,  What was that? Why do I feel like something bad is about to happen?

My eyes sting because of the tears that kept falling. My heart felt like it was being clenched so hard it hurt.

My eyes snapped open when I heard the doorknob shake, alerting me of someone.


It doesn't take a genius like Frankenstein (not that I'll admit that to him out loud) to know who entered just now. I immediately wiped the tear stains off of my face and faced him,  "Sir Raizel... "



My eyes widened in surprise when he suddenly grabbed my arm and held me to an embrace.

"S-Sir Raizel--! "


Realizing his intentions, I let him continue what he was doing. We stayed like that for a while until he spoke, "Athena... "

I looked at him. His handsome face illuminated in the light. I blushed at the thought and tried to look away,

"Look at me. "

I don't know if it was mind control but I couldn't help but do as he says. Ruby red eyes stared back into mine. They were full of compassion, maturity, burdens and...

"What do you think of me? "

I really didn't expect that question. It rendered me speechless; no doubt about that. His eyes remained glued to mine, never faltering for a moment.

"I-I... "

"Do I...hold a special place in your heart? " he asked me, "Have I...filled the hole that Casper left? "

Mentioning his name clicked something in me, making my mouth move to reply unconsciously.

"You...can never take Casper's place. " I whispered but loud enough for him to hear. He said nothing.

I clenched a part of his shirt and leaned forward, my forehead touching his chest.

"Do I mean nothing to you? "

I didn't answer, not because I don't want to tell him but because I don't know HOW to tell him.

My silence must've answered the question for me because he loosed his embraced and was about to leave the room.

No.... Don't go

--3rd Person's POV--

The thought of love crossed his mind once when he stared at the eyes of the newborn Raskreia. He wondered how that felt like and wondered how it feels to be selfish.

But he knew that he can't. He is the Noblesse and his responsibility towards humans and nobles goes first before his own desires.

But that was before he met her.

It was sudden. He didn't even notice it to be able to stop it.

I love her

He was shocked at himself when he uttered those three words. It just came out. There was no pause.  No hesitation. Nothing.

Have I filled the hole that Casper left?

It was a sore topic. He knew that. But he couldn't stop himself from asking her. He wanted to know.

I shouldn't have said that, he thought to himself.

"You...can never take Casper's place. "

The impact of those words went straight to his heart. It stung...bad.

Then... "Do I mean nothing to you? "

Please say no.

But she didn't say anything. He loosed his hold on her and wanted to be alone to compose his thoughts when he felt tug on his sleeve.

Raizel turned around and saw her hand. His eyes trailed to her face that held different kinds of emotions; embarrassed, confused, flustered, determined.

He said nothing. He said all that he needed to say. Right now, her answer is the only thing that's missing.

"You can't take Casper's place...
Because you have your own special place."

Raizel's eyes widened but said nothing. She continued, "Casper is my brother...and even if he died, he'll always stay alive inside my heart. "

She stared at him, her eyes burning with a feeling that he couldn't describe.

"You...are alive and I want it to stay that way. I want to protect you...

I don't want you to die. I want you to live. "

"What makes you think that I will die? " he asked. Where that confidence came from he'll never know.

She looked away, as if contemplating whether or not she will reply to his question.

"The people that we're facing no ordinary enemy. " she started, "They were the ones responsible for the death of my people."


"They're powerful... And there are hundreds of them. If they knew...if they knew what you mean to me...then... They'll kill you! "

"What do I mean to you? "

"I love you..."

His eyes widened. He didn't expect that at all.  He expected her to avoid answering that question again and leave it unanswered.

She stared at his surprised state. Even she was surprised that she spurted it out. It was scary that the words came out of her mouth without her ever thinking about it.

She decided to just...go with it.

" you, my master. But your life is in danger. They will use you to get me and when they are done, they'll destroy you. I...don't want that. I don't want you to end up like Casper." A tear fell from her eye, snapping him back to reality.

This was reality. She loves him.

"I...I don't want you to leave me.  I don't--I can't....! "

Her words were cut short when he embraced her yet again...but this was different..

"I'm so happy. " he whispered to himself.

Athena felt the warmth of his embrace and she didn't want it to stop. She liked the warmth he was giving. She likes everything about him.

She felt his hand touch her chin, lifting her head to face him.

" you too. So much. "

And with that, their lips touched with their hands intertwined.

Yehey! Finally some moe 😘 Go Raizel and Athena. We're rooting for you guys 😍😁

Anyways don't forget to vote, comment and share to your friends who haven't read this story yet.

Oh yeah, to those who haven't followed me yet... Well what are you waiting for? 😂

I'll post the next update if this chapter reaches hundreds of reads and I get 100 followers here on Wattpad. Consider it a Christmas gift from you to me. Ciao 😘

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