12 | Barah

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A/N- I am aware this is a very late update but I do have a surprise for you all, so I hope that makes it up. But before that there's one thing that I'd like to talk about it. When I write this book, I as a author put  a lot of research in it. Firstly, just to clear things off, I am Indian; so some things that I write about the customs also come from experience. Even though a lot of things mentioned in this book throw a bad light on India, I want to you to know that I am not doing it for "glamourising" my book. For example- the tradition where girl's parents don't drink or eat anything in her in-law's house is a FACT. It's obviously receding but it still does happen. So now if some of you come and comment that it must happen in the "15th century" and what not, i don't really know how you are passing your history exams tbh. I've wanted to bring this up before but i've always tried to ignore the rude comments in some parts of the story. See, you are allowed to question things that you do not know about it, but really, don't make factual statements like these. They only make you look stupid and literally destroy my motivation to write. And believe me, you have no idea what a busy schedule i run and this attitude from readers just does not help my very deteriorated writing mojo. Moreover i expect these comments from my non-indian readers but i am surprised that it all comes from Indians who have scrawny immature bios; i mean i am astounded by the ignorance of some of the youngsters. I'm probably going to delete this rant because i know this is heated but, take my advice and start doing your homework guys. Ask me questions in a polite way, i know not everyone is aware about a lot of customs and it's fine. but do not come to me with rude and immature judgements. I try to be as interactive as possible but the past month i have just been really lost regarding Fitoor. But one thing it has helped me realise is that I should also show some more positive sides of India (which we have in abundance) so truly and sincerely, thank you for the lesson and i'll try to make Fitoor better by this. 

Now, for the surprise. I am very proud to announce the spin-off of Fitoor - K A B I R A - a more heartier romance of one of the characters in Fitoor. Also, Kabira will be a comedy and now I hope you guess who the character is! Do comment who you think Kabira is going to be about. I'll be posting a summary here itself in one of the later chapters of Fitoor, stay tuned ! :) 

 I'll be posting a summary here itself in one of the later chapters of Fitoor, stay tuned ! :) 

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Also, I'll be updating the next chapter when it reaches 70 votes, much love and I hope you are all doing well. This is a small chapter, i am trying to get back at it a bit by bit. Another thing, i hope your board results were grand, even if it weren't it's absolutely fine. If you want to talk about it or need help with colleges or universities just PM me :D 

much love, Aashix

12 | Barah

You couldn't put two people in close proximity and expect nothing would happen between them. Lekh could still feel the softness of Tara's skin on his hands, his touch on her had sent an electric jolt through his body; the kind that was pleasant in all the wrong ways.

He stood in the corner of a very filled hall of the Rajput mansion. All the guests were here, the women in their glittering dresses laughed and giggled and gossiped while the men talked about trade and business and politics and what not. Lekh could feel a bad headache approaching, his eyes couldn't take all the shimmer, there was too much joy to digest for one day.

From afar he saw Ramya happily greeting her husband - Sagar - while their kids played around them. It was surprising, really, that despite how Indira and Ranjan were in nature, his siblings had managed to find their prefect spouses. Ramya had found Sagar, a perfect husband, very liberal and loving and belonged from a family nothing like theirs.

And then there was Kartavya who had married, well, Tara. The Tara who had slowly started making way into his stone cold heart. A lonely heart always longs for companionship and Lekh was a lonely heart who had been alone for a very long time. He craved to be with someone, he wanted to care for someone and now with Tara in his present and future, he could finally have it all. Now there was a possibility of happiness and Lekh would do anything to keep it from being snatched away. The nature of possessiveness was harmful and dangerous to a person and the others around him.

He sighed as he saw his parents approaching towards him. The last thing he needed was one of their unwanted lectures, he controlled his urge to roll his eyes.

"We have guests present for your engagement while you are here standing alone in a corner ignoring everyone. We respect and embrace our guests, or have you forgotten that?" Ranjan asked. It was only true, athithi devo bhava, this was the mantra Indians believe in. Guests are equal to God and we embrace them with open arms. With its vast diversity and culture, India is manifested with a strong value system.

But Lekh could care less; he rolled his eyes anyway, at least his eyes should have the freedom to do whatever the hell it is they want.

However, getting no response just pushed Ranjan on the edge, it was basic human tendency, really. Some people would test people to get a reaction out of them, Ranjan would keep provoking Lekh until he gave up.

"You look distracted." Ranjan taunted him while Indira stood next to him nervously. On any other occasion to would love to enjoy a bit of drama but not when it was between her husband and her son. It was always lethal and she certainly didn't want to create a scene today, in front of a hundred guests.

"Not really father, I am trying to ignore you." Lekh deadpanned.

Notorious was the one word that everyone used to describe Lekh ever since he was a child. He was the naughty one, the son who did his willing. If only they knew the real truth.

Ranjan snorted, "Are you sure? I am certain that only girls have the power to distract you like this. How many years has it been since the last one, four, five?" The smile Ranjan then passed was cruel, a cold signature to his taunting words.

Indira gave a silly laugh as if it was a joke, then she walked closer to Lekh and squeezed his arms.

"Lekh will be going and interacting with the guests now," she assured Ranjan, "Why don't you go and meet Mr. Sinha, I see he's arrived." She said looking towards the entrance. Ranjan nodded and after one sly nod, he was gone.

Indira immedietly turned to Lekh and scolded him, "Lekh. I cannot protect you from your father all the time, why can't you behave properly? I don't get what your problem is." She said, irritation dripping from her tone.

Lekh sighed. But who his going to protect me from you, mother. He thought silently. Lekh had a beautiful talent of pretending a person didn't exist even when they stood right next to him. He didn't say anything while Indira kept mumbling whatever it was that she found faulty in Lekh while his thoughts drifted to someone else entirely.

Tara had started descending down the stairs while all his sisters, real and cousins and helped her down. Lekh wasn't exactly surprised to see her, his heart didn't skip a beat; he had already seen her dressed up in her room but still, he couldn't help but in awe of her. She was heartbreakingly beautiful. There was a sort of raw appeal to innocent people like her, something which drew Lekh to her.

She was looking down, nervous and a little scared. A fresh mumbling had started in the crowd of guests. Some spoke in appreciation of her beauty while the others gossiped about how the widow's fate was extremely lucky to have a found a new husband in the same household. Others pondered over conspiracies theories that Tara must have formulated to get Lekh. but Lekh was above all that, his entire mind was focused on Tara, the twinkling star in his darkest sky.

But there was something else going on. Indira saw how Lekh looked at Tara from the other side of the room; but it was okay. It was only a matter of time before she took them by surprise. Oh she had something really good planned for today, it was only a matter of time before they arrived. 

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