36 | Chattees

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A/N- I started writing Fitoor 2.5 years ago and so many of you have stuck since then. I am forever grateful to you, even today when I've finished writing the book. I honestly would have given up if I didn't have constant supporters. There have been days when I have received messages out of the blue telling me how much they love Fitoor and that they are waiting for updates even when there haven't been updates for months together. So really, thank you! 

I'll keep updating the chapters as soon as every chapter hits 70 votes. I am working on a new story now, getting good motivation to write and storing chapters so this one doesn't have to go on for 2.5 years :P 

Much love, Aashi x

36 | Chattees


That was her new name. Lekh stood in front of her apartment. A flat owned by her in a building where middle class families settled in after spending life's worth of income.

On his way to Pune, Lekh had imagine how she would be now. Was she married? Had kids? Or was she alone, maybe still waiting for him?

And what if what his mother said was true? What if she really did take the money willingly?

He was nervous. For a second, he considered going back. If what Indira had said was true, he would rather live in darkness than live with this truth.

Lekh took a deep breath. He had to do this. He had come too far along this. Whatever it was, whatever the truth was, he was going back to Tara after this. Tarini was her past, Tara was her present. For the longest time, he had forgotten hope. Tara had shown him that. He would never betray her by going after Tarini.

He rang the bell to the door numbered 201. And waited.

The last few days had gone in a frenzy; he hadn't had a chance to take it all in. Everything that he was doing was out of impulse. He wasn't sure he was in the right mind to give things proper thoughts. Things seemed to be just happening, flowing themselves like uncontained water, taking their own course not minding what came in the way.

But now, as he stood in front of this door, it felt like that time had stopped and things were finally hitting him in slow motion. And as a thousand thoughts started hitting him, the door opened.

It was her.

Her eyes bulged as she saw Lekh, an expression of astonishment etched on her face. Too dumbfounded to say anything, she only stared. She opened her mouth to speak something, anything, but nothing came out. She shut her mouth and pursed her lips. What were people supposed to do in situations such as these?

Lekh looked at her. He stared. He took a step back.

It was her. it was Tarini. She was not dead. She was here. Alive.

Lekh felt the floor sway beneath him, unable to speak anything himself, all he did was stare at her. What were people supposed to do in these situations, really?

Finally, he forced himself to speak, "You are alive." He was saying it to himself more than her, affirming to himself what he saw.

Even when Indira had given him her address, he still had doubts about her story. For all he knew, this was another one of his mother's dramas.

But she really was alive.

"Lekh." She finally said, "What are you doing here?"

Her forehead folded into a crease, her mind was engulfed in confusion.

"Can I come in?" he asked. He had to sit.

She nodded lightly, making way for him to enter.

No matter how much people tried to keep it away, their past always caught up to them. Perhaps, nothing ever disappeared forever, not memories, not the people in it.

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