Chapter Five

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Kane ran from the car, up the porch steps and pounded his fist against the front door. His hand hurt under the pressure and so he calmed his knocks, scared he might break the door. He turned to see Tyler, who was running up the steps behind him.

"You don't want to wake the Alpha!" Tyler whispered to him. He sounded panicked.

Kane ignored him and slammed his closed fist against the door again. He could pay for a new door if he had to.

"Kane, come on," Tyler muttered quickly. He came to stand next to Kane. "Calm down, we will figure this out."

Kane shook his head slightly. He knew that this couldn't be simply figured out. He felt his heart beating faster under his skin.

The door abruptly opened, revealing Linda. His aunt was standing in the doorway with her nightgown wrapped tightly around her waist with one hand. "Kane, what's the matter?" she asked, her words fast. "Is something wrong?"

Kane nodded. "I need Adam," he told her simply.

Linda ushered them inside. "Are your parents okay?" she asked.

Kane nodded as he passed her. "Everyone's fine, but I just need Adam."

Linda gestured towards the large staircase to her side. "He's in his room."

As Kane approached the staircase he heard Adam's voice. "What are you two doing here?"

Kane looked up. Adam was standing at the top of the staircase, Violet by his side. Adam's expression was complete confusion, whereas Violet looked afraid.

"Was there a rouge attack?" she called out down the stairs. Kane saw her grab Adam's arm. "Is everyone okay?"

"Everyone's fine!" Tyler called out to her.

Except me, Kane added in his mind.

Adam and Violet both sighed in relief at the same time. "What's going on then?" Adam called down to him.

Kane gestured for Tyler to follow him. He practically ran up the stairs. He stood toe to toe with Adam when he reached the top. "I need your help."

Adam's eyes were wide. "What's going on Kane?"

Violet motioned towards their bedroom. "Come on, let's all talk in here."

The four of them practically ran into the bedroom. Kane paced around the room, while the other three stood near the doorway. Kane saw the new addition of pink pillows and boxes in the corner. He wondered how pink pillows would look in his room and shuddered at the thought.

"You're acting really weird," Violet said. She took a step towards him. "Just tell us what's going on."

Kane felt his breathing quicken. He paced faster. "I found my mate."

Kane saw Violet smile out of the corner of his eye, but he also saw Adam's expression. It was hard and unchanged. "What went wrong?" Adam asked.

Kane shook his head. "I can't even say it."

"She's a girl," Tyler told them. His voice was low.

Violet gasped. "His mate's a girl?"

"How?" Adam whispered. He looked around the room, as if searching for the answer. "How did this happen?"

Kane shrugged. "I don't know."

"Who is she?" Adam asked.

Kane shrugged again. "I don't know."

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