Chapter Twenty-Five

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Kane ran from the car the second it was in park. Amelia was waiting at the front door. The worry in her eyes made Kane's heart beat faster. "What happened?" he asked as he ran towards her.

Amelia motioned for him to follow her. She started walking down the hallway. "Everything was fine and then she just started screaming. She passed out a couple of times. We wanted to call for medics but every time she woke up she would be screaming for you."

"Thank you for calling me."

"My parents want to call the Alpha. I managed to keep them upstairs, but if she doesn't feel better soon they are going to call him and medics."

Kane followed her into the bathroom. Violet stood over Nora, holding a wet washcloth to her forehead. Kane paused in the doorway, a sudden rush of feelings flowing through the bond. He felt her pain and it took his breath away. She was propped up against the bathroom wall, still in her party dress, her eyes almost closed.

"Kane," she mumbled out softly.

Kane rushed closer to her. He grabbed the washcloth out of Violet's hand and took her place. He wanted to apologise for what had happened at the party, but he knew that this wasn't the time. As he looked at her, Kane couldn't help but think of the last time he had seen her, of the hurt in her eyes. She had been upset and drunk the last time he saw her, but she hadn't looked like this. "I don't understand, do you know what happened?" he asked Violet.

Violet shook her head. "I've never seen anything like this before."

Kane cupped Nora's face with his hand. "Nora, can you hear me?"

She nodded softly. "I feel so dizzy," she told him. "My head hurts."

Kane sat on the floor next to her and wrapped his arm around her. He pulled her close to his chest. She was warm and sweaty. He looked down at her and felt her exhaustion through their bond.

"Mason?" Violet said, sounding surprised.

Kane looked up. Mason was standing in the doorway with wide eyes. "What happened to her?" He was looking at Nora, his eyes growing more concerned by the second.

"We don't know," Violet admitted. She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration.

"Did you hear her from across the street?" Amelia asked. "I wasn't sure if Kane dropped you home or not yet."

In the rush of it all, Amelia mustn't have seen Mason in the car.

Mason nodded quickly. "Uh, yeah, I heard it. Came to see if I could help."

As Kane looked at Mason he suddenly realised what was going on. His heart dropped. He hoped he was wrong, he had to be wrong. "How long ago did it start?" he asked Violet. He tried to sound confident in his question, but fear leaked into his words.

"Only five minutes before I called you."

It couldn't be. There was no way. Kane took a deep breath. "Did it seem like she was in pain the whole time or did it come and go?"

"I think it was coming and going," Amelia said.

"Yeah, she would quiet down and seem okay and then suddenly start screaming again," Violet added. "Why?"

It was their kiss. The bond didn't do anything on his end, but maybe Nora was receiving the consequence. He remembered how much it had hurt when he had almost kissed Wyatt, the pain in his head and how dizzy he felt. He had thought he might pass out. He couldn't imagine what he had been putting Nora through. He motioned for Violet to take his place. She sat down next to Nora and stroked her hair.

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