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The headband of my best friend and rival was in my hands. Kakashi gave it to me after he went to the site of Sasuke and my's battle. He said he found it on the ground next to the cliff, under where a huge piece of rock appears to be missing.

I guess when I picked him up and ran it fell off of his head.

"Alright, Naruto, I'll wear this headband. I see we are on even grounds after all."

I can't believe it took me giving him an ass beating for him to finally show me some respect. My grip tightened on the headband as I thought of his determination to kill me and leave.

It's been a while, but no one will give me any info on Sasuke or his wellbeing. They usually ignore what I say and move to a much lighter topic. The only reason I don't pry is because they all get the same sad or pained look on their face, before putting on a fake smile.

I decided to not tell anyone about what happened in that valley. It doesn't matter what happened.

All the fighting.

All the things said.

None of it mattered anymore. All that matters is that Sasuke is back.

I'd often spend parts of my day here. Sitting on my hospital bed and thinking about Sasuke. Today it was especially on my mind so I called off training early. I need to clear my head. And since I'm not allowed out of the hospital, this is the best I could come up with.

It doesn't help I have this constant feeling of being watched. No matter where I am or what I'm doing. I can feel people looking at me.

Before I could think that over anymore, there was a knock at the door. I looked up to see none other than the granny Hokage standing in the doorway.

"Why aren't you out there training kid." Her voice lightly echoed in the mostly empty room. She walked over and sat next to me on the bed.

"I don't know granny, my mind just wasn't in it today." I give her a light smile.

She looks down at me hands and sees the headband. She hesitates, but decides to speak her mind.

"It's his, isn't it." Tsunade says in a bit of a gloom voice.

"Yeah." Is all I can say as I look at the leaf symbol. Normally I act happy, but she knew me too well and would see right through it.

"Hn, you know, you beat him up pretty good. You see that little cut in he fabric there? If I were a betting lady, I'd say that is going to line up with the scar on his face." She says in a cheeky kind of way

I decide to hold back pointing out she has a gambling addiction and look at where she is pointing. Sure enough, right where the headband would be over his right eye, there was a crudely torn out piece. I guess I was so lost in thought while looking at it I never thought to look at the rest of it.

"Heh, I guess I did. Wait, you said scar?"

"Yup." She replies with a smile.

"You are a medical ninjutsu master, how does he have a scar? I know the cut wasn't that deep."

"Officially, the damage sustained to the area was too much and cut too deep to be completely healed." The Sannin dawned a grin and put a hand to my ear, " But between you and me, I left it as a reminder he tried to leave the village. And another reason, may or may not be, that I wanted him to remember you whooped his ass." She jabbed me in the ribs playfully with her elbow.

I rubbed my side a little before hugging her, " You are the best, granny." I laugh lightly with my face in her shoulder. Tsunade wrapped her arms around me and patted my back.

After all I did...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora