The Mission

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"You need to focus more on keeping it stable. You loose focus and it causes the jutsu to collapse."

"I know." Sasuke pants as he grips his wrist.

"Once you find the balance, between the form and power, you'll have it mastered in no time."

"Form and power." Sasuke closes his eyes and focuses on his left hand.

His hand begins to glow and sparks fly off of it. His hand became encased in his signature move, the chidori. The lightning was a bright blue as it jumped from his fingertips and palm. It sounded like a hundred birds were all chirping, trying to be the last to let its voice be heard.

The sparks started to glow brighter and reach further around the Uchiha as he concentrated on his hand. The sparks from his fingertips began to solidify and look like small extensions of the hand.

Kakashi's one eye widened as the bolts began to push forward a few inches.

Suddenly the bolts snapped back to Sasuke's fingers and his left hand exploded in a blue light. The birds stopped talking and the dust began to settle.

Laying in a small crater was Sasuke, his hand badly bruised and cut from the constant backfire of his jutsu.

Sasuke was looking up into the sky. His face was blank and he thought of yet another failed attempt at the new jutsu. His hand was numb from the beating it was getting and the cold air that nipped at his fingertips.

The chilled breeze carried his misty breath away.

Kakashi walked and stood over his student. His silver hair sticking out to the side, like always, and his eye closed is the signature eye smile he had to use due to his mask.

"You are really showing progress, it was almost half the length of your fingers!"

Sasuke's fist collided with the ground in frustration. His eyebrows furrowed making the scar that runs between his eyes deepen and become more menacing.

"I've been doing this training for months now and all I can do is that?!"

Kakashi lowers himself so he is sitting next to Sasuke, "Creating a jutsu is completely different from learning one. It is uncharted territory and you have to be the one to make a path."

"But I'm not, I'm just taking the Chidori and slightly changing it."

"And that 'slight change' is still creating a new jutsu, just with the first one or two steps taken out. Piggybacking from a known jutsu doesn't make a new one any easier to make."

Sasuke turns his head to Kakashi, "You're telling me that even if it is the same exact jutsu in every way, except for shape, it is going to be just as hard as, if not harder than, learning the original?"

Kakashi tilts his head from side to side, "In a way, yes."

Sasuke simply turns his head to look at the sky again.  He lets out a deep sigh, watching as the stream jumps into the air and dissipates.

"Don't forget you learned the Chidori in a month's time. Not only that, but you are already bounds and leaps ahead of what anyone else could do with the same amount of time. You are a prime example of that happens when someone with immense talent works hard."

Sasuke sat in silence for a moment, thinking about what Kakashi just said, "Naruto learned rasengan in just a week and had it mastered. In a month I wasn't even closed to mastering it. I could only do two a day and Naruto could use  rasengan all he wanted."

"That is true," The older ninja nodded," however he doesn't use his chakra element in it."

"But he had three steps to learn. I only had to do the hand signs and focus lighting chakra on my hand."

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