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For the first time, in a long time, the village hidden in the leafs was totally silent.

No hustle and bustle of tourists.

No merchants calling out their deals and quality goods.

No children running in the streets and playing without a care in the world.

All that could be hear was the slight rustling of leafs as the breeze flowed by and the songs of birds as they flew by.

Yet even these seemed to be lessened.

The birds' songs seemed to carry sadness with them. The breeze carrying these sad hymns with it on its journey. The once clear sky now hiding the mighty sun from view, as it fell from its peak at midday, with thick clouds slowly moving in.

It was as if nature itself knew what has just happened in this great village.

Despite all of this, none of the people in the village cared. They didn't notice because they were frozen in place, their attention completely locked on a wooden platform.

Everyone had just witnessed the memories of the young Naruto Uzumaki. He, with the help of Inoichi Yamanaka, had just shone a spotlight on the dark truth.

The two people in question were currently breathing heavily in exhaustion. Both bleeding from the stress of the jutsu they just used.

Naruto was hunched over more then before, his breathing ragged and his body shaking lightly with each intake of air. Drops of blood fell from the shadow that is his face. His body and feet bleeding as well as old wounds reopened.

Inoichi was clearly hazy, his eyes lightly clouded as he kept his balance while kneeling next to Naruto. His nose bleeding as well as blood splattering whenever he coughed. His hand was still on Naruto's shoulder from when he needed to steal chakra from him to keep the jutsu going.

The both of them were the center of attention as everyone absorbed the information they were just force fed.

Hinata has tears cascading down her cheeks and running into her hands that covered her mouth.

Sasuke had his usual stoic and cold face, but his eyes were blood red, his sharingan activated due to his emotions.

The cigarette in Asuma's mouth fell, his mouth agape. He knew most of the story, but he was not prepared at all to fully understand it. Along with him, was most of all the ninja in the village.

Naruto's friends had no clue of the hell they put him though or the turmoil his heart was in when he discovered the truth. It was too late though, the damage was done.

"Inoichi," Naruto coughs, "you can cut the connection." His voice cutting through the silence like a knife.

Inoichi's hand fell from Naruto's shoulder. He fought to lift it and look at his hand.

It was covered in blood.

He sent one last image to everyone and held it for several seconds. The image was so vivid it was as if it was their own hand, covered in the blood of an innocent young man.

But that's because it was.

The sensation everyone felt slowly dissipated until it was gone, carried away by the breeze as if  to inform the world of what happened here.

The Daimyo's neutral face hid his smile. You were right, Tsunade. He just did the impossible. He thought as he watched Inoichi lightly limp back to the council bench.

"Well, that was definitely...unexpected." The Daimyo hesitated, finding the right words." I don't need any time to think on this matter. Naruto Uzumaki you are here by found inno-"

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