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Today was the day I'm breaking out of here.

This hospital, no, prison was getting on my nerves. The white walls, endless hallways, random noises, and heavy security around the exits were driving me mad. They didn't even let me look out the damn windows facing the village!

Sure people came and visited me, but seeing my friends could only hold me over so long until I decide to act.

The staff was always cold to me, staring as I trained and talked to my friends. As time kept going on, the smiles and conversations with the people I cherish slowly seemed more and more fake. Dead eyes behind smiles, dry laughs, and less time spent with me.

Even Lee has been holding off on me, saying he is training with Guy, but from what I've heard he is on a one month minimum length mission.

I'm not the paranoid type, but when you go anywhere and you constantly feel at least one person close by or hear them walking, you start to get really sick of it. I've even called out to the presence, but that only makes me look crazy to the people watching me.

The only good news I've gotten is that Neji is out of the hospital and training. Yet even that is making me angry, how is it that he has gotten out before me? I've been perfectly healthy for nearly a month!

Which brings me back to my need to get out of here. This place is going to put me in a mental hospital if I don't get out.

I'm sorry Pervy Sage and Granny, I tried to keep my head down and wait it out. I really tried, but this is getting to be too much for me. Tonight is going to be the start of my plan. I've tested every part of it and it works perfectly. I just need to put the parts together and I'm out.

My planning was put to a halt as I heard a knocking at my door. I put the things I have for the escape in hiding again.

"Hey, uhhh, come in!" I say loudly as I make it look like I just sat up in my bed.

The door opens to reveal Sakura. Her pink hair in a pony tail and her clothes were her mission clothes, down to the kuni pouch. In her hand was the only thing that has help me last this long in here. My favorite ramen.

"Hey Naruto." She said with a smile as she closed the door and walked to my nightstand, setting the food down as she took a seat next to me.

Sakura was the only person that regularly visited me, but she is the most obvious about how fake her emotions are. The light in her eyes never there when she saw me. She doesn't even yell at me anymore when I say something stupid.

"What's with the getup? It almost looks like you are going on a mission. Hey, is something wrong?" I ignore the ramen when I notice she isn't even trying to hide the sad look on her face.

"Well that's the thing, Naruto. Lady Tsunade has assigned me to go on a mission with team Guy. It just feels weird not going on a mission with you and...." she stopped.

She never looked up from the floor. Her arms tense and her hands on her knees. The only other time I saw her this delicate was when we were leaving to get Sasuke back.

"Oh, so now Neji is mission ready too. Here I thought I was less injured then him, but he is released before me and is already going on missions." I look down at my hands, why, why do I have this bad of luck all of the sudden.

Sakura doesn't say anything, her body tense as silence takes over the room.

"Why....... why does it feel like the world is against me? Why is everyone avoiding me? Why does everyone hide behind masks when they visit? Why is this happening to me?" I sadly say as I look at my hands. "I did everything right. I brought Sasuke back. I followed the doctors' and nurses' orders to the 'T'. I've kept my nose clean for over a month total. And for what?"

After all I did...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora