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"As compelling as this trial has been, there really has been no proof that any of the allegations aren't true. We know the story from two points of view. We know that the story, up until Kakashi was blasted away by an unstable jutsu, has been verified. Due to short time, we can't have the Uchiha verify any of the events afterwards. For all we know, he told the truth until there were no witnesses."

"Furthermore," the council member continued, " We have no way of proving or disproving that the young Uzumaki used the Nine Tails to purposely injure his ally. Using a tailed beast's power against a fellow ninja of the leaf can not be over looked. There are simply too many unknowns in this case."

He stopped pacing and looks over the crowd, "What we do know is that he used a the Nine Tails power to attack an ally. We also know that he has a history that could be linked to the Fox's corruption. We know he hid that the Nine Tails is in him even after he found out. Not to mention, he now has the ability to directly communicate with it in his mind. For all we know, he has been talking with it during this very trial."

The council member straightens his back and takes a deep breath.

"That is why I still move that we, at minimum, have him locked up for life."

The crowd, who at the start would be chanting for his death at maximum volume, wasn't quite as loud as before. They were beginning to question themselves. However, there was still an overwhelming amount of support for this idea as a loud cheer came from the crowd.

"Believe me," he continued as the crowd settled down, "I know there is a chance, no matter how small in my opinion, that we are putting an innocent child in prison. I take no pride in putting a child, even if guilty, in the correctional system."

"I do however, want to keep this village and its people safe. If that means putting this loose cannon in jail or the dirt, I'd do it ten times out of ten. We need to think of our future and the safety of our people, and that future could very easily be ruined. So please think of our future, our children's future. We can't take a risk and let this possible monster roam our streets freely." The council member finished with a tone of determination and a fire in his eyes.

Many began to clap for the powerful words he spoke. Both out of respect and for him saying what was widely felt to be true.

"Thank you for your words and I see many hold your views in this crowd. You truly are what a council representative should be, a voice of the people." The Daimyo praised the man.

"Thank you, my lord, that means a lot coming from you." The council member bows.

"Willing to do anything for your people is admirable. You may take your seat."

The council member bows another time before walking back to his seat, a hard and determined look on his face.

The Daimyo turned his head to look at the young Naruto and his partner Inoichi. Inoichi had his eyes closed and was nodding. What was strange though was there was no whispering.

He was nodding to dead silence.

"Mister Yamanaka? Mister Uzumaki?" The Daimyo calls out, wondering what was happening.

Inoichi turnes his head, "Yes sir?"

"Are you two even talking over there?"

"Ah, my apologies sir, I was using my mind link jutsu so you wouldn't need to hear us talking. We didn't want to interrupt their closing statements."

The Daimyo nods, "I see, are you and the defendant ready for your closing statements and final defense?" He put some emphasis on final defense to remind them it was now or never to prove a point.

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