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Y/n, the other Mendes everyone knew of and loved. But only few knew her.

Camila's Pov

I sat at the table concentrating on my school work. Calculus is a pain in the ass.

I heard the bell ring indicating someone had walked in the shop. I looked up to see Y/n walking in.

She scanned the room and smirked when her eyes met mine. I slightly smirked back causing her eyebrows to raise in surprise.

I went back to working on my math still feeling eyes on me.

The infamous Y/n. Everyone knew who her and her brother was on campus.

"Ugh i'm so damn tired" I looked up to see Ally sitting across from me. I closed my math book deciding to give up on homework for now.

"I just got from the gym, they need to fix the treadmill I almost fell off twice" she huffed.

"You sure it's the treadmill and not you" I questioned slightly smiling.

"Shut up" I giggled.

"When are you going to go with me, you promised you would" I shrugged and internally cursed myself for making that promise.

"I don't even know where the campus gym is" she looked at me confused.

"You should go check it out, it's not that hard to find" she then proceeded to give me directions as I tuned her out.

Y/n was looking over at our table while she sat with her friends. We made eye contact.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled in return.

"Camila are you even listening" my eyes darted back to the Texan in front of me.

"Yes" she rolled her eyes getting up from the table. I watched her walk out the shop.

"Hey" I looked up to see Shawn standing there.

"Uh hey" I said in a questioning tone. Why is he standing here shouldn't he be over there with Y/n.

Speaking of, I looked over at her to see her watching us.

"I know this is kind of sudden and weird but, I think you're really pretty and I was wondering if I could take you on a date" Shawn scratched the back of his neck as I looked at him surprised.

We have one class together but we hardly ever talk. I looked back over to see Y/n smirking again.

"Sure" her smirked slightly fell but was still on her face. Shawn smiled and I gave him my number.

"I'll call you later" he smiled before walking away.


"Shawn is hot though, I can see why you said yes" Dinah said as we lounged in my room. I nodded agreeing while writing down my answer.

"But his sister, Y/n" Dinah fanned herself dramatically. I looked at her amused.

"I would definitely do some things to her fine ass" I shook my head going back to my work.

"I don't understand the hype, she's just a girl" I said knowing that I was about to get an ear full.

"Just a girl? She's 5'9, very fit, has amazing curly hair and plays on the soccer team. Plus she has that jacket she's always wearing that makes her look badass" she gushed causing me to look at her weird.

"Seems like you have a crush" I told her closing my book. "Everyone does"

Not me.

"Isn't she dating that Cindy girl anyways" I asked looking at the taller girl.

d.d // c.c & v. m [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now