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Lacing up my shoes I stood up on the hardwood floor. Rolling my basketball shorts up I walked out onto the middle of the court.

"Ready to get your ass handed to you Mendes" I scoffed at the bearded boy. "Put your money where your mouth is" I challenged.

"50 bucks" I shook his hand before checking the ball up. We were playing 3 on 3. I had Dylan and Lauren on my team. While Jacob had Tyler and Emilio.

I dribbled to the left side of the court with Jacob following me. I shotgunned the ball to Dylan before running towards the paint. Dylan bounced passed the ball to me as I went for a layup.

19 points later I stood at the top of the key dribbling the ball. It was tied and next point wins. I refuse to be short 50 bucks.

Passing the ball to Lauren we rotated around the court. Passing the ball back and forth. Getting the ball I dribbled it through my legs before taking a step forward and quickly coming back.

Jacob fell for it and ending up falling backwards as I went up for a shot. Watching the ball fall in I smirked flexing my arms.

A loud clap emerged in the gym causing all of us to look in the direction of the sound.

"Good game Y/n, you ever think about joining the basketball team" The chubby coach walked towards us.

"No sir I haven't, I have my heart set on soccer" I told him politely. Shaking his head "It's a shame, you'd be doing the team a favor" he turned around and left.

I turned around seeing my five friends going to their bags putting jackets on. "Pay up scrub" I walked towards Jacob. Sighing he reluctantly gave me a fifty out of his wallet.

I went to my gym bag and slid some sweats on over my shorts then my hoodie. Saying bye to my friends we all walked to our own separate homes. Except for Lauren since she was one of my roommates. As soon as I walked in my room I stripped to take a shower.

It was Sunday no classes. We only had classes tomorrow then we'd be on fall break for the rest of the week.

Of course I had soccer practice during the break but that was it. I knew exactly how I wanted to spend my break and I couldn't be more excited.

Stepping out of the shower I found some boxers to put on and a large t shirt in the back of my drawer.

Laying down in my bed I scrolled through my unread messages feeling my eyes getting heavy. Eventually falling asleep.

My eyes shot open as I heard ponding on my door. Angrily I stood up opening the door.

"What is wrong with you, why the hell were you hitting my door so hard" My voice was laced with anger. My sleep is very important to me, and since it was Shawn who woke me up it made me even more upset.

"What did you say to Camila" he marched in my room. I looked at him confused.

"I asked her on another date and she told me she had feelings for someone else so what the hell did you say to her" I smirked hearing this news.

"I didn't say anything, are you that insecure about a girl not being interested in you that you have to assume it's something I did" He shook his head pointing his finger.

"Stop acting innocent like you haven't done something like this before" I rolled my eyes at his accusations.

"I don't have time for this" I shook my head opening my door wider.

He walked towards me obviously still upset.

"Cut your shit Y/n. I may have to put up with you at home but I don't here. So I suggest you watch yourself before you end up in the same place Ryland is"

d.d // c.c & v. m [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now