chapter 19

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" You cant actually go alone out , you will get lost ." Cayden kept insisting but I had to move out alone so that I can feel myself being the old me .

Well , you must be thinking why am I remembering that right now when I am out ! Ugh , but what can I do when I cant help but remember his words ...he's sayings that I will get lost . Ugh . Guess what ! I FUCKING AM LOST . I can't find where is the building from which I came . How dumb I can be ?

How the hell I forgot my mobile ? What the fuck am I going to do ? Its getting late and the weather is so chilly that I might freeze to death .

And on top of that I can't see anyone on the streets now as well .

Who the hell told you to roam around like a mad women ?

Shut up !

Shutting me up will not help . You might feel better listening me .

Get LOST .

So what are you going to do now ??

Ugh .

Why are you so dumb ? I mean living with a person like Cayden you should learn something .

Its not my mistake okay . I didn't know what I was doing , I just wanted to be free . I wanted to go out for sometime . And ALONE .

Well , don't you feel your actually free ? I mean from the time your living with Cayden , don't you feel free of all the tensions . Its lesser .

Yeah , I know . Now shutting up will not hurt you know . I have to think of a way out of this .

You will not find anyway . Until Cayden himself comes to save you up .

Save me ? I am safe alone . I know how to survive alone ... for some time .

Not for always without him .

What's your problem ?

Your problem is mine , so that's my problem .

Now look yourself , your being mad by just roaming around the streets with this heavily cold weather . Are you sane ? You could have stayed inside the market .

They were closing .

You could have asked mobile from them . just for callinng you know .

What's your problem ? I will find a way . I know I will , now shut the fucking hell up !

The voice disappeared . Ugh . She is so irritating . I think I am really not sane .

Now I am moving around like a homeless child . I wish Cayden himself finds me , but how is that even possible . How will he know where I am ?

Its getting very foggy I can't see what's actually happening in front of me properly at all .

Serves you better you stubborn ass . ignore  HER .

I started to move into where ever the street was taking me . Hoping I will find some way back home . Nothing is visible in front . NOTHING .

I didn't know what happened but I felt something hit on my legs real hard making me fall , and making everything invisible for me . I fell and felt numb all over because of the coldness around . There were faint noises but I was too tired to look up at them . I just wished in all this Cayden was there to take me back , back in the safest corner .


Its getting late she is not home yet . She told she will come back before it gets dark and she's still not home yet .

Why did I even let her go . Wasting no time I picked up my mobile to call her . But I heard her mobile rings coming from the kitchen . Fuck . She forgot her mobile here .

I felt nothing right without her here beside me . I went down in a hurry to ask the reception if they saw her , but they didn't . I was about to call the police when I got a call . Picking it up in frustration I was about to shout when I heard the other side asking about my wife .

" Sir are you familiar with Miss Briar Eliza ? " asked a female voice .

" Y-yes . I am her husband ." this seems off . My heart picked up its pace .

" Sir your wife met an accident , we admitted her the ..." I raced towards my car driving up to the hospital in the fastest speed I have ever tried . My hands were shivering and head felt dizzy .

I reached the parking lot and left my car where ever I could put it , I ran towards the entrance of hospital .

" Sir ? How may I help you ? " the receptionist asked as I stood in front of her desk .

" I-I .. My wife Briar , she was bought here just now , she met an accident ? " I don't know if I was asking or telling her , the only thing I knew was that I was hoping that whatever I got to know should turn out to be a joke or a lie .

" Oh yes ! She is in emergency room . Go straight and turn right , you will see the room ."

" Thanks ." I ran towards the room , it felt like I will explode if I wont see her .

The same time when I reached the emergency room , the Doctor came out .

" Is she fine ? " I asked as soon as he came out , he looked scared from my outburst but calmed himself soon .

" You are ? " he asked raising one eyebrow .

" Her husband . " I answered impatiently . " Oh , she is fine . She lost a lot of blood . But she will survive . We thought her legs were no more but they seem good to walk . She will get well in a month . You should just keep good care of her . Complete bedrest is what I will suggest . " he finished while smiling at me .

I couldn't help but be more then thankful for her to be  okay . I promise I am never ever sending her out again .

Then what about the plan ?

After a month she will be fine enough to put my plan into action .

Don't fool around , you know that your more than interested into her . You are liking her so much for your own good .

I am not ! She is just my responsibility . That is the reason I am doing this . And I have to put my plan into action only if she is safe , if something happens to h-her how will I do that ?

Ha! Fool around how much ever you want . But remember , its not helping .






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