Chapter 34

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How can he be here? I can't believe he's here. That eyes. They watched me the same way. He looked the same. Handsome as always.

What Aron and he will be talking right now bothers me. What if Aron tells him about me being pregnant. No, he won't.

I washed up the sand from the beach and reached my closet for new clothes. My stomach is becoming larger and I can't risk to have him here. I can't risk to see him again and feel this pain. I want him to go away.

It's hard for me to not think about that enemy of mine. To be honest, even though I accepted the fact that what he did was right, I couldn't forgive him for what he did. Making me fall for him and making me show him the only side I haven't shared with anyone was the worst. It hurts when I think how happy and unknowingly protected I felt.

He must've laughed with that sister of his afterward. Thinking them having a peaceful life hurts me more. I will always be reminded of him. I will never be able to trust anyone again for loving them. I will remain unloved like always.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door. I wore my nightgown which I just recently bought and moved towards the door. It must be room service. I'm already hungry.

The moment I opened my door I saw Aron there smiling brightly as always. I thought it was food.

" What's with that face?" he said pouting like he's hurt.

" I thought it was food. " I said letting him enter. I realized that I was wearing a very exposed nightgown which I shouldn't be wearing in front of Aron. I walked into my room to get myself a huge cardigan and tied it around my waist.

He already started watching TV when I came out. Ugh. Boss or whatever but he can't come to my room this openly.

But you like it when he comes here.

Who says that?

Your heart.


Okay then tell me if you don't like when he makes you smile.

Of course, I like that.

And tell me if you don't like it when he comes and makes you feel at home.

Yeah, whatever.

Don't lie to yourself at least.

I started to make coffee for both of us. If I think closely it really isn't bad if he comes here and talks with me. In fact, it diverts my mind. It's been three days since I told him about my pregnancy. We couldn't arrange for meetings because of the weather.

All these three days he came. He came to make me feel happy. 

The night I told him I was pregnant was the worst night after many days. I got nightmares of Cayden killing me by using a blade to insert into my heart. I woke up screaming with tearful eyes and sweat all over.

This is getting hard and I don't know why I am getting such nightmares. When Aron comes I feel much better. It's like I'm safe.

The problem now is Cayden. He came here and I never even thought of that. I can't believe he stood there in front of me. He didn't smile or showed any care when I was there. But he looked at me. At least he looked at me.

It's not that I love him anymore. I don't.

I think I don't.

It hurts thinking about what he did. I'm a human and I think it's my right to get angry at what he did to me. He broke me bad. He didn't hit me but he intended to hit hard on my heart. He did all this when I told him that I haven't done anything to his family purposely. I even told him my miserable life after that time. Did he think I was lying the whole time? If he did then he wouldn't have proceeded with his ugly plan to hurt me.

I thought I was deserving that all. But no I wasn't. I don't think I deserved to be thrown like a trash after being used even when I wasn't at fault. Or maybe at fault by mistake. He knew all together that I'm innocent. He knew I never lived the way they described I did that night. He knew.

" Briar?" Aron stood with concern in his eyes. Is this fake too? If it is then I can't bear any more betrayals and sickening hurt that breaks me like I deserve it. I looked at him. Why is everything so tough in my life.

You are getting emotional.

I know.

Don't show your weakness to anyone Briar. It hurts when you open up.

"Let's go." he didn't ask any question about why I am standing there like that. The coffee which was in process was long forgotten by me. I just went with him to where ever he's taking me.

I can't talk. I'm out of breathe.

That's because you crying you ass.

I closed my eyes not wanting to think too much about this.

I got no power to speak and I'm hungry.

Aron helped me sit on the sofa and rubbed my back for what reason I don't know. It felt good though.

" Aron .... I'm hung-gry." I said whispering. He was still holding me. There was a knock heard instantly on the door. Yes! Food.

Aron went up to open the door and I sat up putting my head back to calm my heart. I wiped the tears and cleared my face.

I could hear some sounds coming from the door. Why is he talking to the staff? Bring me food man. I can't tolerate this anymore. Food seems to be my weakness during pregnancy. I can't go for long without eating.

I stood up to check what's going on.

Aron was blocking someone to come inside. What's happening? I walked nearer.

It was someone familiar but I couldn't see properly. I feel sick. My vision blurred and I knew I am passing out.

The last thing I heard and felt was me calling Aron and being held by arms around me. 




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