chapter 35

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" I can't let you live." he said coming closer. I moved backward trying to find a safe corner for myself.

" You see this blade... I will slit you into pieces with this." he stopped showing me the blade and then again walked towards me.

" Oh, and I will kill your baby also. Between is it a boy?.....Or a girl? " he asked grinning. No, not my child. No. I couldn't find a way out of this. Why can't I run away from him? Why is he doing this to me?

" W-why?" I asked. I moved backward. The more he's coming closer the more my heart is thumping louder.

He laughed.... A long and scary laugh. 

A chill ran down my spine.

" I hate you and that's enough reason for me to kill you." he said. He was just two or three inches away from me and I know I have no way out. Why? Why does he hate me so much?

I stopped running and stood there for him to do whatever he wants with me. I can't fight him anymore. 

I'm tired.

 So much tired that it's hurting me. Let me die. Let me go away from this fake world. He was so close now. I could see something in his eyes.

Was he hurt? Why? Shouldn't I be hurt right now?

Then his face changed all in all to a devil like one. That's when I knew he hates me more than loving me. I closed my eyes and let him take his hate on me.


" Wake up Briar. What's wrong? DOCTOR" I couldn't open my eyes. Who's calling me this way?

After a minute or two I forced my eyes to open up. The light on top of my head was too much for me to handle. I felt arms around me. They felt warm. It felt good. I opened my eyes again to see Aron? He sat holding me with concern in his eyes. What's with him and caring about me like that?

He looked at me like as if I was something precious.

" You scared me. " he said whispering. His thumb reached my face caressing it. I couldn't answer that and closed my eyes again. This time without any nightmares.

" She is fine. Why do you even care?" I heard faint whisperings.

" Who gave you the right to be with her. Who are you to her?" and there again someone else spoke.

" She's my responsibility and that's enough reason for me to take care of her and be with her." why are they fighting here?

I opened my eyes to see blurred figures standing a little away from me. Where am I?

I pushed myself upward with the help of my arms. I blinked a couple of times to see clearly. A tube was attacked with my hand. Why is this thing attached to me? What's wrong with me? Is my child okay?

" Briar... are you okay? Why are you sitting up." there I heard Aron speaking. I looked at him with teary eyes. I can't lose my child. It will kill me.

" W-W-What? W-Why?... Is this? " I couldn't speak. My throat was hurting. He bought a glass of water for me to drink.

" Everything is fine. Absolutely fine. Okay?" he said.

" So why this?" I asked him trying to understand what is happening. He shifted nearer. I noticed the other person standing a bit far. The room was dark I couldn't understand who it was. And then he came near.


W-Why is he here?

I couldn't look away. What's he doing here?

" Briar?" I heard Aron say from beside me. I looked at him. Did he bring him here? Why? Did he tell him?

" He doesn't know. Chill." Aron spoke. I couldn't be more grateful. Then I looked at Cayden again.

" Why are you here?" I asked him. He came closer to me.

" You fell. Are you okay?" he spoke so softly that I wanted to puke. Wait.... I really want to puke. I removed that tubes from my hand and pushed Aron away then looked for the dustbin. It was behind Cayden. I rushed and held it near my face and threw up water. Ugh.

How embarrassing.

Cayden held my hair from behind. I knew it was him because of the familiar perfume. After I was done with my embarrassing stunt, he gave me a tissue to clean up.

" You fell. Are you okay?"

I couldn't help but smile bitterly at his concern he showed before or should I say fake concern. What's his motive now? He didn't care when I fell hard in front of him. He didn't care when his sister bruised my body. I still have that scar on my stomach. He didn't care before. He didn't get satisfied with what he did. Yeah. That's why he's back to satisfy his needs. But I will not let that happen. Not anymore.

I walked towards him and smiled.

" Thanks." I said looking into his blue eyes. Then walked passed him to Aron who was standing there watching us. He looked alert when I walked towards him. I don't know if what I am going to do is right but I wish this goes well and Aron doesn't react.

I walked In all my glory towards him and without any warning.

I pressed my lips to his.





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