chapter 27

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LIFE. It's a simple word but who knows this simple word is actually not simple in reality. This word is having lots of meanings in it. And meanings vary according to people.

"I really wish I could help you. But I am helpless." Shana--Leo's wife said while moving out with me. I booked a ticket to Italy. Well, not with my money but Leo helped me. I will always be thankful for this.

I smiled towards her and side hugged her. They did a lot. They helped me at a time when I wished I should die but, as I realize now, I don't wish to die anymore. Not when I can have a life with my child somewhere far. Far from being anything that will affect my child in any way.

I never knew me expecting will change me this much. Well, I have already changed a lot.

The cab was waiting outside and the driver came nearer to take my luggage. Not much in there but some clothes and my ticket. It was a small bad and all the things given to me are from Shana. I wish I can pay her back.

For a moment I wanted to go back to my siblings- or even to mom. But then I couldn't go there, my heart didn't accept that. I want to meet all of them but I also want them to think that I am gone. Gone for good. I hope they are safe, well that they are. No hunters anymore in search of us. For a minute it feels good too but it hurts when I think about who my hunters are actually. They actually did good in the acting part, very good I must say.

I remember him, in fact, his everything. Each and every habit of his. Everything.

But when I realize all that was there he showed me was fake. I feel like to forget every bit of memory he gave me. Every bit of happiness. But it's impossible to forget the only thing you love the most. The only thing you wished would never change.

I wonder what was I thinking when I fell for him. Where my morals of not loving anyone went?

Somewhere deep I feel grateful too, but the hurt is too much to handle that all the greatness flies away. I wish nothing anymore. I just want to live for this child. Give him what I never got.

"Mam? " Uh? I looked towards the driver who was looking at me with a bit of bush and a wired expression. Why's he blushing?

Then I looked towards the door which was opened by him for me to enter the cab. Shit! I must have embarrassed him. I gave him an apologetic smile and rushed inside.

Let the new start begin. The car was slow and I have a lot of time to think. I have been thinking a lot nowadays.

Shana lied to the doctor saying I love playing adventure games so that's why I was hurt all over. There are some bruises I can still see on my arms and stomach but the most capturing thing on my body is the scar I got. It's very nicely evident on the side of my stomach. I wonder how Josie did this. She must know how to fight. The scar is fresh and always reminds me of this new past I have got.

I don't know what and how will I live in Italy but at least I know where will I live. Leo's friend will give me a place to stay and then after I get a job I will move out of there. Shanna wants me to stay there till I deliver because staying alone when you're pregnant is not a very good thing. I don't know what I should do about that but I think I will think properly about it when I go meet those people. Seems like they are old from the way Shana was talking about them.

Leo helped me get my documents so that I can apply for a good job in an office. I still want to study more but I think for now I will do the job and then will think later about this.

I took out my phone- again which was given by Shana and Leo, it's not something very expensive because of what I didn't argue with them when they were giving me this. I checked the time on the small screen of my mobile and kept it inside. I still have time.

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