Chapter 9

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I had ran home, luckily not even Wen was home, the car was gone and nobody was home.

I was full on crying and it was around supper time.

There was only a maid home, she cleaned the rooms while we were gone and she had seen that I was crying.

"Miss Smith, are you alright?" She asks patting my back as I slumped on my bed.

"No" I sniffed.

"You found out huh?"

"Not only that, but him and I got in a fight...."

"Oh are you alright?"

"Physically yes, mentally no, Maid Kayla, I love him. And in such short time to."

Maid Kayla gasps, I turn to her my eyes bright red and puffy, "don't tell my grandparents, they don't even know that I found out, they think I trashed Andy the second I seen him again and that I don't talk to him. Don't tell them please."

"I won't dear, your secret us safe with me, but if I were you I'd get cleaned up.."


"Because someone is outside on your balcony waiting to see you dear" I turn over a bit and glance at my balcony seeing Andy.


I missed him, I actually did, I just wanted to sit there and lay with him in his warm embrace because I feel like I can trust him and be protected, I feel like... like...

I feel like I should date him.

Even though he's like the biggest asshole. Ever. I feel protected, I feel like I could be myself with him.

And I've never felt that way before,  I've always been pressured to please everyone else and be someone I'm not. But not around him.

I can just let go when I'm around him.

Maid Kayla left the room and I wiped the tears from my eyes and I took a couple breaths calming down amd my eyes soon became white and not as puffy.

I heard a knock on the balcony door, and I turned to see him, pretending I didn't see him there before.

I walk over to the balcony door and open it, the first thing he does and grab ahold of the back of my head and chin and kiss me.

Pretty passionate for a gang leader.

I wrap my hands around his neck and close whatever space that was left between us, his hand left my cheek and moved to my waist pulling me closer to his torso.

I was in my tip toes kissing him as he was bent over, my hair had moved out of my face and was now just hanging off my head, my hands went through his hair and I felt connected to him.

I felt a connection, I felt trust and faith. In us. I felt a tingling sensation run down my body from head to toe. I felt love, and compassion. I felt like someone was actually there for me, for once.

He pulls away, I instantly regretted him ever pulling away, I wanted him to kiss me all the time, I wanted him to just be with me all the time. I want him to hold me all the time.

"I'm really sorry" he looked at me in the eyes, "I don't know had gotten into me back there, I miss you, and I really really like you."

My heart practically pops, god he's the softest Gang Leader I've ever freaking seen.

"I'm feel like I can trust you, your so beautiful and smart and funny, and when I turn into a total asshole you always snap back which is the fire I need because no one ever tells me what I can and cannot do and I need that in my life, I need you in my life, Jade please," we were not apart but he held my hands look me into the eyes.

And I probably looked a mess, literally, my hair was in a messy ponytail which when I say messy I mean, some of my hair isn't even in the hair elastic, I have no makeup on and whatever makeup is left in my face is probably smudged because of me crying, I'm also in jogging pants and a exercise shirt, and I'm wearing slippers.

Congrats you won the Sexyiest person alive award!

He rubbed circles with his thumb on my hands, his eyes were no longer on mine, "Jade, please" he whispered, "be my girlfriend, be the one to tame me." He looks back into my eyes, "be mine."

My heart legit exploded, it beat so hard against my chest, my breath hitched in my throat and i had butterflies in my stomach along with a tingling sensation spread through my body. I think I'm dying?

His eyes stayed on mine, his chocolate brown eyes practically stared me down, and I have to say I didn't mind it at all.


I love him...

Short chapter and also a cliffy!

Sorry ^-^


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