Chapter 29

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We had woken up around 2 o'clock. We layed in bed for a couple more hours, then I decided I definitely needed a shower.

My grandparents had left to do some gang things around 12. And they were going to be gone for three days.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped off, I then walked into the shower and turned on the water, the warm water was harsh against my freezing cold skin.

Me being the klutz I am, I slipped and fell in the shower. I had hit my head off the sofe of thr bathtub, I looked down at the water flowing into the drain and noticed it was red.

I had lost feeling in my legs and arms, I yelled to Andy, he came rushing in. I felt a pair of arms around my back and legs, I felt him move and lay me down onto my bed, but underneath of me was a towel.

He dried me off and grabbed a random dress from my closet and slipped it onto me.

He then picked me up again and rushed out the door, holding a towel onto my head to make sure no blood would get any where's.

He set me into the seat of the truck and took off to the hostpital.

After a couple of hours of doctors checking and double checking me I was finally released, I had only gotten a minor concussion, the blood was just from the impact of me falling. But according to the doctors... Just a minor concussion.

Doesn't seem believable to me but whatever.

Andy had drove me home and layed me on the bed.

I relaxed onto my pillow and looked at Andy, "my head hurts" I complained.

He chuckles as he cuddled into me, "that's because you have a concussion, that's normal."

I smiled and wrapped my hands around his torso and cuddled closer to him.

"Will you take care of me?"

He chuckles, "I'll try, just please don't fall again."

I laugh again, "the doctor said no electronics, reading, none of that, so that means I have to entertain you."

I laugh again, "entertain me" I wiggle my eyebrows and he chuckles.

I sigh, "and I have to stay awake for 24 hours..."

He chuckles, "Yup."

"What are we gonna do?"

He thinks for a moment, "do you just want to talk?" He looks down at me.

"Sounds good to me" I smiled.

For the rest of the day we had just talked. And after a while I could finally go to sleep.


The next day and I still couldn't do anything, we stayed in the kitchen and baked all day, we had made red velvet cake, chocolate muffins, apple pie.. and alot of other stuff.

Andy being the over protective boyfriend he is, he told me what we needed to bake. Which kinda got on my nerves because I loved reading and I wasn't aloud to read still.

The doctor had said between 3 to 7 days without any of that stuff...

I cracked an egg in the bowl, "now 1 and 1/2 cups of flour" Andy spoke.

I heard my doorbell ring and I rushed to the door with Andy following.

I opened my door and I see her beautiful blue hair, her black roots growing in. I met her green eyes, then I hear a high pitched squeal and I'm pulled into a hug.


My head pounded, I chuckled, "easy Meggin I have a concussion" I hold the side of my head as I release her from the hug.

"Opps, sorry" she chuckles, "you live in a beautiful home sugar" Meggin looks at me and I laugh.

"Thank you Meggin" I then hear Andy clear his throat and I laugh for a moment realizing he's here with us.

"Meggin, this is my.." I look at Andy and Meggin squeals, "THAT'S YOUR BOYFRIEND!"

I chuckle, "HE'S MORE CUTER IN PERSON THEN THOSE PICTURES!" I chuckle again as she grabs his hand and shakes I repeatedly.

"I'm Meggin, I'm Jays friend from back at home. I know everything about her, from what I've heard your an amazing person and you treat her right" she pulls Andy closer to her by his collar and narroiws her eyes, while lowering her voice to him, "hurt her and I'll hurt your face."

I laugh and pull her inside shutting the door, "what are you doing Meggin?" I ask.

"A couple of reasons sugar, I heard about your parents death and I wanted to tell you my condolences, also you haven't been answering your phone, I got scared.. but I guess this explains it" she laughs, "also I miss my best friend" she frowns and I laugh.

"I miss home, how's Emily and Chad doing?"

"They broke up for like the tenth time" Meggin rolls her eyes.


"He cheated in her she cheated on him Yada Yada Yada. The same old stuff. Everything changed when you left, everyone misses you, we all kind of broke up when you left."

My heart pounded against my chest, awe. They missed me.

I smiled, "and I miss them all! But I can't leave."

"Why not sugar?" Her voice lowers, "if he's keeping you hostage blink twice."

I laugh, "no it's not that Meggin, it's just that my family is here, everyone I love is here. I can't go."

I hand Meggin a muffin, she happily takes it out of my hand.

"Oh" she speaks with her mouth full, "Where's Rose and Perry?"

"My grandparents? There out for two days..."

Meggin choked on the muffin a little, "you know what we should do?"

"What?" I look at Meggin.

"We should throw a party like the old days!"

Andy was hesitant, but I promptly agreed.

"Let's throw a party!"

We put everything away and started getting ready for the party of a lifetime. It might be the last one I'll ever throw. So why not?

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