Chapter 27

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During that night we heard yelling, I had awoken on my bed and Andy was standing up grabbing whatever he could to block the door. I rushed out of my bed already knowing what's happening.

He found me.

It was 10 o'clock  and he found me, I'm guessing he was hoping everyone would be asleep or extremely tired to do anything.

I started freaking out not knowing what to do, "Jay," Andy spoke calmly as I sat there panicking.

"Jade," I look up at him tears running down my face, "calm down and help me" he spoke. He was a true leader.

I started grabbing whatever I could get shoving it up against the door.

I heard rapid knocking and I answered, "who is it?" The knocking stopped and no voice was heard, instead the door knob wiggled and squeaked.

My heart beated against my chest, my legs became weak, so weak I don't think I could have walked.

And once the door moved out a little bit and a hand popped out, Andy grabbed me my the waist halling me to the balcony, he jumps down with me in his hands, as we're falling you could hear my door slam open and a growl and a scream.

He walks onto the balcony and looks down at Andy and I run away, Andy throws me over my shoulder running into the woods.

We enter the woods and he runs to the open crossing the road into the other side of the woods, I felt dread, I felt like I'd never be able to run away from him. Like I'd never live a perfectly normal life without looking behind me back constantly.

We ran through the woods until the familiar woods came to sight, he was taking me to his safe spot.

He threw me up the tree house stand, then crawled in himself. I sat on his bed curled up in a ball against the wall. What do I do?

He closes the door and locks it, then closes all the blinds. He then sits beside me patting my back. My crying became heavier.

"What am I supposed to do Andy?" I sob.

Everything was quiet, you could hear the faint roar of a car drive down a road someone wasn't happy, a.k.a probably my ex-boyfriend.

If I wanted this to end. Then I have to end it.

I need to face him myself and tell him who's the boss.

Even if it means that I could potentially get killed. I'll do it.

I relax and slow my crying, I then stand up, Andy looks at me like I have three heads.

I look down at him and whisper, "I'm sorry."

I then jump out of the door and land on the ground, pins and needles ran through my legs causing pain but I carried on, I got back up on my feet and started running back home.

I bursted through the door, I ran up to my room and seen that he had spray painted on my walls.

'I have your family, I'll be waiting for you at the park square on main street. Meet me there or they die.'

I gasp, I change into black tights a dark navy blue tank top and black high heels, I threw on my gang jacket that my grandparents had given me, I put my long dark brown hair up in a high poneytail,  I also grabbed my black hand wraps.

I wrapped my hand in the black hand wraps, I was told to use these while fighting to protect my hands more.

Once I was happy with how I looked and I was ready, I walked down the stairs and out the door, I grabbed my skateboard and went down the long driveway,  it was pitch black out, it was now around 12 o'clock at night.

The street lights lit up the street showing me my way to destiny.

I head a loud deseil truck driving down the road, it passed by in a hurry. I already knew who it was. Andy was going to try to save the day, but I knew he couldn't. Only I could. Because this was my problem.

As I made my way to the park my heart beated against my rib cage. I became anxious. My chest tightened and I could barely breath.

I almost passed out but I knew I had to stay strong. Fight for what was mine.

I had seen the parks gates, I stopped in front of the erie gates, they squeaked slightly from the small breeze of the wind.

I look up between the two lean and old oak trees beside the gate and stair up at the full moon.

I take a deep breath in and clutch my fists together.

I had to do this.

I walked into the park.
Cliffy, sorry... hahaha.

Good so far?

I think the book is ending soon and I don't like that :'(


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