Chapter 38

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We walked onto shore sand vetting stuck between our toes, I hated it when that happened.

The boys put there towels beside ours in a circle and sat down on them facing us.

By now Natasha and Paisley were inside, doing what, nobody knows.

Tyler looks at Andy, giving him a look. Usually the look my mother would give me if I said something wrong.

Andy gives him a confused look and Manson speaks up, "are you gonna tell her?"

Then Andy shoots Manson a dirty look and becomes nervous.

"Tell who what?" I ask.

Andy sigh's frustratedly, "Andy needs to tell you something, we better leave" Tyler says, the boys get up and walk to the water swimming to Luna and Alec.

I turn to Andy, "what is it that you need to tell me?" I ask.

"Don't get mad, please..." Andy says.

I roll my eyes, "I can't make any promises.."

He then sigh's again, "can we go somewheres else please? So nobody is watching us?"

"Let's go inside" I say boredly.

We walk inside, Paisley and Natasha walk outside to the others, we walk in the living room and sit on the couches.

I cross my legs and turn to him as he looks down at his intertwined hands that layed on his lap.

"What is it Andy?"

"Paisley and I had a thing. That's why she's always mad."

"I pretty much already knew that."

He looks at me puzzled and I keep a neutral expression, he then looks away, "Jay, she knows who you are though..."

"What do you mean about that Andy?"

"She's... She's the one who told Scott where to find you..."

My I lost my breath as my throat tightened, I felt dizzy and I was becoming weak. The memories of Scott filled my mind.

Paisley told Scott I was here? Why would she do that?

"Why?" I whispered.

"Because she wanted me, so she wanted you dead... Literally."

I became even more dizzy, I gasped for air but I couldn't get any.

She wanted my dead out of jelousy. Really?

"Jade, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I breath, I definetly wasn't okay. That was a lie through my teeth.

Paisley wanted me dead. But she failed.

I'll show her, I will show her that Andy is mine and that were made for eachother, not him and her.

I finally felt air go into my throat and I breathed in fully, I grabbed Andy's hand, "let's go" I smiled.

"Your sure your okay?" He asks.

"I'm pinchiekeen."

"Okay" we get up and make our way out the door, Andy's hand was on my side where it was the curviest.

We walk down to the beach, everyone stopped talking and watched us as we walked down to our towels and sat down.

Paisley let's out a agarvated grr, Natasha patted her back as Paisley swatted her hand away.

Everyone else shrugs there shoulders and went back to talking.

Once everything became non-awkward Andy and I joined the boys in the water playing games like Chicken and Marco Polo.

The sun soon was setting and we all decided to go back inside and eat, we walk inside and everything in the living room was a mess, nobody was inside for the rest of the day.. So it was pretty weird.

We put everything back to where it was before and start cooking supper.

After we ate we all decided we just wanted to go to bed, we were all exausted.


It was now Saturday, which ment we had three days left of being here, nothing much happened other then the stuff in the living room being messed with, but that was pretty much nothing...

We had gotten dressed (Outfit Up Top^^)  Andy and I had walked downstairs to find a figure standing over Tyler,  we look away for a second then return our focus over to Tyler doing a double take, the black figure had left.

What the hell?

"Good morning sleeping beauties!" Tyler says to the both of us and I burst out laughing while Andy looks like he's about to slit Tyler's throat.

"What would you guys like for breakfast? There's eggs, pancakes, bacon, or just cearl" Tyler says.

"Pancakes!" I say as he hands me a plate stacked full of pancakes.  Andy says he wants the same and he gets a plate full to.

We ate and everyone soon came piling down the stairs wanting food.

The day went by as a blur, we mainly just sat around talking and made jokes and told stories.

We went back to bed around 11:30 at night. We all fell asleep pretty good.

What's your favourite ship?

Mine would have to be either Meggin and Manson or Jade and Andy <3


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