Wedding Dress

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NEW CHAPTER!!! :P Lol I know I'mnot updating as fast as I used to but give me a break its nearing the end of school and things are hectic plus i'm writing on the PC not laptop since its charger is ruined.

Anw this chapter is dedicated to thenamesbob for makingme amazing covers, I'm still not sure whih one I'll choose though there are some great ones.

P.S: Not edited :P

P.P.S: WARNING!! Theres a bit of 'intimate' stuff in the end it's not much or I would have put it in the restricted chapters but I thought I'd tell you/

Vote, Comm, Enjoy


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Uum Kenzie" Patrick said hesitantly as I continued t scrub the windows in his apartment "This is the third time you have cleaned my apartment in a week you really don't need to do this":

"I know" I said without looking at him "but I want to. plus you're apartment is a mess"

"I swear Kenz, i haven't seen you sit down and relax once since you got here"

"you're exaggerating Pat" I said with an exasperated sigh. I really didn't know what was his problem "is it not normal to want to clean?"

"No, but it isn't normal to never stop working whether it's cleaning the apartments, cooking, going to your job, ir moving things around every five minutes"

"Seriously Pat it's..." i stopped talking when Pat's door knocked. He opened the door and I saw him lean on the doorframe 

"How can I help you?" He said in the voice I recognised as his flirty voice.

"Move so I can get to Kenzie" A voice I recognised said and I looked over Patick's shoulder to see lux and I ran to the door, the image of the guy she beat up at the grocery store coming to mind I really didn't want Patrick hurt

"hey" I said moving over to stand beside Patrick "What are you doing here?It's my day off" which I was thankful for, after the confrontation with Chase the day before I really didn't want another one.

"I desperately need your help" 

"What's wrong"

"You need to come with me to look for a wedding dress" she said and I raised an eyebrow, she seemed panicked for that?

"Oh crap you're engaged?...Um sorry I didn't know or I wouldn't have-" patrick said nervously but I cut him off

"I'm sure you have friends who are more...good with the fashion stuff. I suck at it to be honest"

"No I don't want your help choosing a dress" she said "I need your help with Ren and Melissa"

"The girls you introduced me to a week ago?" I asked confused, why would she need my help with them?

"Yes!" she said "You don't know how these girls get when its about clothes and especially the wedding, please don't let me go alone with them"

"uuh I'm guessing i should go inside and.." Patrick said taking a few steps back "yeah" 

"I don't know" I said still feeling a bit skeptical. What was I supposed to say? I didn't have any experience with having friends so i didn't know a thing. What if I say something wrong and they decide I'm an idiot after all? But then again I wouldn't lose anything but this was the one chance I had to maybe get a few friends "Okay"

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