Meeting My Mate

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Hello my pretties!! Well finally a new chapter there's a surprise P.O.V. in this one *winks* read to find out.

The song for this chapter is 'Bound To You' by Christina Aguilera it seems perfect for Kenzie it really does.

Pic is for Patrick since I never put his pic which was weird so here's Patrick. I think you'll all recognize him.

Vote, Comm, Enjoy :D


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"Kenzie!"" I felt someone nudge me "Kenzie! Are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see Patrick's face staring down at me "You've never overslept so I used the spare key and came in, you have a bit of a fever. You should stay home today"

"Everyone is allowed to oversleep, Patrick" I said groggily feeling as if my body weighed like a ton of bricks. I did feel like crap but he didn't need to know that "You worry too much. Now leave so I can get ready for work"

"Are you really going to work looking like a zombie? You'll infect the kids"

"No, even if I was sick I know how to handle myself. I used to keep taking care of Gabriel even when I was sick and managed not to make infect hi too."

Patrick sighed he knew when there was no arguing with me. He left a but and then came back in as I was asking him something to eat and threw m a medicine bottle "Tylenol." he said "You're going to need it"

"thanks, Pat" I said putting a plate of eggs and baconon the table before grabbing my stuff to leave "Don't forget to lock the door on your way out"

I got into the taxi i'd called and rested my head as it drove, trying to make it pound a bit less. I sighed as I saw the taxi stop by the house and got out, holding on to the door for a bit as a wave of dizziness washed over me. I payed the taxi and got in, I knew I was sick and it wasn't a normal flu I know the difference but I didn't have enough money to pay for a doctor and I wasn't going to ask to pay for me

I made my way to the children's room knowing Chase wouldn't be home yet. We had been dating for about two weeks and I noticed that he was gone once a day to what i overheard Lux saying 'parole' yeah I really didn't know what that meant, when I asked Chase he just said because so many teens and even kids live here they need security.

I smiled as I got in the kids' room to see them playing with legos. When they saw me they stood up to hug me but I raised a hand for them to stop.

"Now guys, I have the flu and I really don't want to infect you so we'll just play safe today okay?" They all nodded and I smiled "Okay now I brought" I pulled out a bag from behind me "Costumes for us." I put all the costumes on Claire's bed "Now everyone choose. You guys are going to make a play and I'm going to watch okay?"

I smiled as they all ran to get costumes and then to separate hidden places to change. The costumes were the only thing besides my clothes that I couldn't bear to leave. Halloween was always Gabriel's favorite Holiday so on Halloween me and the nurses would help him get in a costume and throw candy on his bed as we and a couple of the fun nurses would sit around and start trading candy . Gabriel never got to eat a lot because it wasn't good for him but he'd always have fun.

The kids got out and showed off their clothes and I smiled as I sat on the bed,. I groaned as a wave of nausea hit me. I closed my eyes for a minute and found myself falling in deep sleep.


Chase's P.O.V

Okay, there's nobody on our territory can we go home now? I said through the pack link as we ran across our borders it's been taking longer since we joined packs.

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