Day For Fun

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Hello my pretties. Finally a new chap. I know I said I'll update faster but I've been going through a hard time. 

Anyway the song for this chap is 'Raise your glass' by pink. Don't ask why I just felt like it. 

Vote, Comm, Enjoy :D


Kenzie's P.O.V.

"I need to go home" I said between kisses as I held my clothes that just came out of the dryer, I was eager to get out of Chase's shirt that showed my legs completely. Chase deepened the kiss and for a moment I wondered why I was so adamant about going home. "You really need to stop" I said as he moved the kisses to y jaw and neck. He pulled away and looked at me hungrily.

"Now that I can kiss you anytime I want..." he said breathing heavily "I'm never going to stop" he brabbed my chin and pulled me in for another kiss and I melted into him. Why had I been resisting him in the beginning? I really had no idea. But one thing was for sure, he was one hell of a kisser.

"Patrick will be worried" I managed to say after reluctantly pulling away "I've never stayed a night out without telling him" 

"Screw Patrick" he said trying to pull me in for another kiss "You have to come back to work anyway just stay and we'll have a few hours alone" he gave trying to get me into a kiss and leaned his forehead against mine "Come on don't go and just call Patrick he'll understand. And besides the twins have planned a long day for all of us you won't have time to go home"

"I don't know" I said and he kissed my nose and pecked my lips and the jaw murmuring "Say yes". I sighed as he got to my mouth again and started kissing me "Yes" I sighed into his mouth and felt him smile. I pushed him away and blinked to clear my head "Now get out so I can change"

Chase looked reluctant but left, giving me a grin and wink on his way out. I shook my head and put my clothes on. As soon as I got out I ran to the kids room and got my phone thankful I left it there or it would have been ruined by the water. I dialed Patrick's number and he answered on the first ring.

"You have a lot of explaining to do, Kenzie Bailey Tatum. Where have you been all night? I've been calling you and messaging you and....well, what do you have to say for yourself?" I almost laughed at how paternal Patrick sounded in that moment.

"I'm sorry" I said "A lot of stuff happened yesterday and I ended up staying at work and I couldn't call you" I heard him huff on the other line "I really am sorry Patty"

"Yeah yeah it's okay" he said with a sigh "Just don't do it again, Kenzie. I really was worried"

"I'll make you your favorite dinner to make it up to you" I said grinning knowing he couldn't resist that "See you tonight Pat" I hung up laughing at his grumbling at the other end/

"well that's something I could get used to hearing" Chase said leaning against the door frame "I haven't heard you genuinely laugh in a long time although it wasn't because of me. I'll take what I can get" He pulled away from the door frame and walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him as soon as I was in reach. He grabbed my face gently and kissed me lovingly, slowly. "I'm starting to get addicted to this"

"We haven't even been together for a day"

"Then you're in for a very long ride because I don't think this addiction is going anywhere" he kissed me again and of course I didn't deny him. I actually found that I loved kissing him so I really didn't mind when he did it. "okay, let's stop before Lux kills me. Come on the games are about to start"

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