~15~ Winter is Coming

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"Conquering the world on horseback is easy ...it is dismounting and governing that is hard." ~Gengis Khan


President Hale Winters III is exactly who you think he is, and exactly who you want him to be: The Once and Future Prom King for Life. The guy most likely to succeed at just being cool, without actually trying too hard. At six foot two tall, with his blonde hair, clear cold blue eyes, and perfectly chiseled cheeks, deeply tanned from the summer sun. The perfect golden boy quarterback archetype, who looked more like a G.Q. model than a Gridiron godling.

In the fourth quarter of the big game, where the entire season on the line, with only a minute left to play? Hale is the guy you want with the ball calling the shots. Because when the chips are down and all looks hopeless...Winter is Coming. Which is why it is a perfect time for his holiness to randomly appear on the scene, because above all else Hale Winters III is a winner.

The school is adorned with spirit posters in his honor, proclaiming the slogan "Winter is Coming!" While he's never actually read Game of Thrones or any other of those nerd books ...he couldn't agree more with that sentiment. As the slogan encompassed one of the things most important to him. Even as a lowly Freshmen QB, two junior varsity cheerleaders picked him up from a varsity victory party for his Virgin Sacrifice. Then they fought over who was gonna have a go at him first. But then to his eternal detriment and damnation, they decided to share him instead. The first of many such moments for his holiness Hale. Because from that moment on, Hale has been addicted to his own adoration, but most especially in bed. Because in addition to Hale Winters III being a winner, he is also narcissist to the extreme.

So Hale smiles at everyone, and everyone smiles at Hale. "Hey, you look great today!" Hale always says to everyone who counts, with his second most charismatic smile. And everyone believes him ...that they do in fact look great. Because that is the kind of guy Hale Winters is, he makes you feel better about yourself just for knowing him.

Hale especially makes a point to smile at Courtney Cavanagh. Because Courtney liked him the summer of sixth grade when he was not quite cool yet. While Courtney's star has long since plummeted after that sad Sophomore bad skin summer, Hale believes in paying his debts. So they remain the best of friends and he always smiles at her, and she always smiles back. Because like everyone else, including Hale, she is in love with Hale.

Hale exudes confidence and leadership, both on the football field and off. Which was probably why he was elected student body president, without even actually trying. Unfortunately for Hale, he was going to be elected class president whether he liked it or not. Because no one would ever think to run against him last year, except some gay rights girl he didn't really understand. But this created a huge problem for Hale, but not because of the gay rights girl. But because Hale was pretty sure that being President meant having to do some things he wasn't really used to doing. Responsibility things, like showing up at appointed hours and dealing with people he wasn't comfortable talking to, aka the "little losery people". The kind of people who didn't count as much as he and his friends in the Popular Peoples Party did. Hale found this unacceptable, because it meant that he might be forced to actually care about something other than himself.

So with that in mind, Hale walked to the student council office last year, to officially withdraw out of the presidential race. A place that he had never actually been before, or had ever cared to visit. Which was when he met Jade Sin, the head of the election committee. To explain to her that he really needed to drop out of the race, that wasn't really a race, in order to focus on other things. More important things like Hale enjoying just being Hale.

But then Jade Sin asked Hale an unexpectedly hard question: "Okay, what other things?"

So in an odd moment of truth and carnal clarity, Hale replied honestly. "Mostly me and my sex life? Cause this president stuff sounds like it is really going to cut into my me time?"

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