~13~ The Seeds of Something Seriously Stupid

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"I wouldn't ever set out to hurt anyone deliberately unless it was important -- like a league game?" ~ Dick Butkus, Former Chicago Bears All- Pro Linebacker


What May and I won't know until later, until she speaks with her sister, is that meanwhile back at school, strange things are running amok. Especially so among the various packs of predators who haunt the hallowed halls of Hell on the Hill. It seems that after witnessing the strange show in the morning, word of "The Wyrd Kiss of the Batgirl" and all the weirdness that happened after has been spreading like wildfire across the wilderness. Right after kissing off homeroom, the Jackals and Hyenas from our homeroom have now spoken to others in their packs in the next round of classing. Telling their running mates the serious strange tales about all they witnessed that fine foul morning.

Stranger still, the various packs of predators have even started speaking to one another across normal pack lines. So by a couple of classing periods later, the tale has turned into a full-on inferno. By the time lunch hits in full force, the twisted tale of "The Wyrd Kiss of the Batgirl" has spread throughout the Juniors and out across class lines into the general population of flocking Falcons. Save for the stupid freshmeat, who no one ever bothers talking to anyways ...except those lucky few that fly high enough.

One of which in particular has just lost track of her strange sister and is none too happy about this twist. Until she hears the reason why her strange sister is missing in action. Then she is very unhappy indeed, and that be told more than a little scared. Because something like this could get her Special Sister sent away to a Special School for Special People ...permanently. She should be seriously flipping the flock out by now, had she not already received a text from her sister. Her sister has assured her that all is well in hell. That she is fine and she is just warring with the Irish Antichrist, whatever the flock that means. So just hang tight until they find out what's was going to happen next. So now Someone's Sinister Sister has nothing better to do than to pay very close attention to the locker talk going around the Butcher's Court as the matter is talked to death.

"Hey, did you hear what happened to the Batgirl in Dickheader's homeroom this morning? No? Flocking whit got crazy yo!" #35 is laughing like a hyena as he retells the tale to his fellow leatherheads.

"Check this flocked up whit out! You know that blind Batgirl chick has a boyfriend right? Some weirdo new kid that always eats lunch with her or whatever? Okay, totally flocking whatever right? But so not the point. Cause this morning she kissed her boyfriend! Then Dickheader straight flips the flock out on her ...and tried to slap her ass!"

"Bullshit!?!" #72 retorts snorting in the local custom.

"Yeah try...no shit!" #35 laughs a little louder.

"For reals? She's like flocking blind right? So she can't even get out the way. What the flock is that whit? Dickheadder is a dee-ick..." #65 drones.

"But wait, that's not even the good part, it gets even better! I heard from one of the Hazers that was there, that before Dickheader could lay a finger on her? Batgirls boyfriend straight up gets in his midgity little face and backed that little flocker right down like a little biotch that he is! Booyaa!" #35 starts laughing his ass off.

"Cool move..." #72 mugs.

"Yeah, I was there. Surfer D dude stepped up and straight up told him to flock off." Boomer smirks at the fond memory of the moment. "Said that if Dickheader ever tried to start shit with her again he was gonna beat the dogshit out of him outside of school. Where no one could do a damn thing about it."

"Flocking classic." #72 snorts.

"Someone should seriously flock that little dickheader up sideways. I had to go to flocking summer school cause of that midgety little flocking dickhead ...flocking twice." #65 bemoans his summer of lost TV time.

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