Chapter 10

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Soon came the day when Constance was supposed to approach Elizabeth Kettleburn. And as much as she feared and disliked the idea of trying to befriend a girl just for Vincent's sake, she knew she had to do it. After all she had promised the boy and one thing she never did was break a promise.

But as she awaited for Vincent down in the common room sitting in one of the armchairs, that certainly wasn't the main thing occupying her mind.

Lately her mind was filled with thoughts of the conversation she had had with the boy in the Room of Requirement. It was almost always in her thoughts not wanting to leave her alone, not even for a second.

Like always Constance felt worried and eventhough in the room she made the decision to speak up and be brave, which at that moment felt like the right thing to do, she was now stressed over it and was regretting her actions.

Questions were running all over her head a lot of them stupid and useless.
But the loudest question of all was:
Why couldn't I just keep quiet like I always do and stick in the background?

Constance took a deep breath feeling a headache coming, when her chain of thoughts was finally broken.

"Are you ready?" Vince asked jumping up infront of her, starteling the poor girl.

"You scared me," Constance exclaimed as she almost fell off her seat.

"Sorry," he apologised and sat down next to her."Alright so you know the back-up plan, right?"

The fair-haired girl nodded.

"Repeat it,"Vincent said sounding like a teacher at the moment.

With a sight she began reciting the instructions like a monotone poem," I come up to her and introduce myself then ask if I could sit down. I ask her what she's reading or think of something like that. If that doesn't start up a conversation I say I need help with D.A.D.A."


"I must not under any circumstances come back without at least ten minutes of conversation exchanged between us," most people, who looked at the girl would think she was bored, but in a way the mask hid her nervousness. If it was one thing she learned when she was little was to hide her emotions.

"Now you're ready," Vincent told her with a smile while tapping her on the back. A bit too hard actually.

"Awch," the girl exclaimed rubbing her back.



At last the Hufflepuff reached the door of the library, which she entered with a sight. A small part of Constance was hoping the girl wouldn't be there so she could avoid this whole situation. Sadly as soon as she opened the door she saw Elizabeth sitting behind one of the tables alone while she read a book.

The girl's brown hair was pulled back into a pony tail and her brow furrowed as she was focused on what she was reading. She looked friendly enough.

Constance took a deep breath trying to get over the fact she felt like vomiting. Stay calm, she kept telling herself walking closer and closer to the girl. And when she finally reached her she took one last breath before starting.

"Hi, Elizabeth" the girl greeted clearly uncomfortable fumbling with her fingers. "I'm Constance Foster. We have Transfiguration and DADA together?"

The brunette turned to look at her with a small smile playing on her lips," I know who you are. You're friends with Pandora and Vincent right?"

Constance nodded amazed that she recognised her."Would you like to sit down?"Elizabeth asked and moved to make room for the girl.

"Uhm, sure," she answered a bit unsure.

After Constance sat down a small akward silence followed until she layed down her books on the table and something caught the Ravenclaw's eyes. "You read Shakespeare?"

Constance nervously glanced at her books and quickly went to hide them away feeling a knot forming in her stomach," Uhm ye- no, I...I just... yesterday I was-"

Elizabeth abruptly grabbed her hand trying to stop her," Constance I only ment to say that I read them too."

Elizabeth tried to calm the girl, which worked as the Hufflepuff put the books back on the table and her tense posture seemed to relax a bit. "I'm sorry," Constance blurted out automaticly and looked at the floor.

Making Elizabeth chuckle dryly.
"You know you shouldn't be afraid to tell the truth and you certainly shouldn't apologise for nothing."

Constance shrugged. She really wasn't used to people asking her things that only her friends knew, which was probably just because she didn't know how to make friends. All leading to the constant apologising.

"You know I really like Shakespeare, especially Hamlet. And a lot of our peers would probably have a lot to say about it since it was written by a muggle, but that doesn't stop one from enoying it now does it?" The brunette looked at the shy timid girl sitting next to her trying to give her some courage.

Constance smiled," It's my favourite too. I really like the mystery of it all."

"The same for me. Although I'm still deciding if I like the ending or not," Elizabeth pointed out thoughtfully as the girls fell into a long conversation.


"Where is she?" Vincent asked while pacing back and forth in the Hufflepuff common room.

It has been hours since Constance had left for her so called task and Vince wasn't really known for his patience. For the last hour or so Maurice had come around and kept him company even playing a game of chess with the boy. But mostly the boys talked about Quidditch as a match would soon be coming after the Winter break where Hufflepuff goes against Slytherin.

"Vince you have to calm down. The girl has been gone for what... about two three hours?" Maurice asked looking up from his book he had begun reading a few minutes ago.

"Two and a half," Vincent answered and sat down on the sofa next to his red-headed friend.

"Well, I'd take that as a good sign. I mean if she and Elizabeth had nothing to talk about she'd probably be back by now," Maurice clarified the situation to the boy next to him.

"You're probably right," Vincent said leaning back as if trying to relax.

"Of course I am," Maurice proudly smiled and returned to his book glad to finally have some peace and quiet. Sadly it didn't last long as he heard a small noise emitting from his left where the other boy sat.

When Maurice glanced at him with a slightly annoyed expression he saw his friend bitting down on his nails nervously.

"Could you stop that?" Maurice asked.

"Stop what?" Vincent continued bitting making a noise that would bother anyone.

"That," Maurice pointed out and knocked away the boys hands as he wouldn't stop. First Vincent gave him a look that said it all.

"Oh, now it's war," Vincent announced ready to start a fight.

The boys restled around a bit and the book flew onto the floor. The fight as always turned to Vince's advantage for he had learned a few tricks living with two siblings at home one of them Slytherin and the other Gryffindor.

"You're choking me," Maurice barely let out with almost no air for his friend had his arm wrapped around the boys neck stopping the constant airflow.

"I'll let go only if you agree to surrender," Vincent said keeping a hold on the boy.

Maurice's face was becoming a deeper shade of red by the second almost matching his hair. Still the boy's ego worked making him answer," Never."

"What is going one here?" a new voice exclaimed.

Both boys looked up from their fight, Vincent loosening his hold on Maurice, only to see Constance standing at the doorway wearing an amazed expression at the sight.

"Hey," the duo greeted smiling like fools and waved at the girl.

Constance just shoke her head at her friends',"I've got some news."

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