Chapter 16

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With not much activity and almost all the time spent in her room the holidays would've dragged out for Constance if it weren't for the book she had recieved on that unusual eve.

Thankfully she spent most of her days just reading it over and over again. Sometimes focusing on one part then trying to figure out some hidden meanings in words. Constance loved to do that. And she had to admit she loved the way Charles Dickens wrote.

Everything aside it wasn't the only gift she got, but it was definitely the most mysterious one. On Christmas morning the Remys had sent her a gift by owl. The gift had a small letter attached saying that they were sorry for missing Christmas, but there was something they had to do. The gift itself was a small wooden box shaped like a real life book. The decorations were quite simple and beautiful as always. Pandora had also sent her a gift. An usual book about rare creatures that exist, which Constance was thankful for as the girl had some very intresting books to give.

Quickly her thoughts of the past week were interupted by a knock.

"Konstantia hurry up or we'll be late," Miss Nutcombe announced before going back downstairs.

It was unusal, the girl had to admit, to actually have that much interaction with Miss Nutcombe. Even if it was just a little it seemed a lot compared to before. Now that the Remys were away for some time they actually had to interact. And Miss Nutcombe was never really a fan of that. She talked to people only when needed and rather kept to herself only observing, which Constance admired. For someone to have that much self-control... It was rare, but at the same time it seemed as if she was the loneliest person in the world.

Constance took a deep breath and left the room herself with her baggage in hand.


The train began hooting and the Hogwarts students started boarding massivly. All were in a hurry to find an empty compartment and their friends, but not Regulus. No the boy had found his place long before as his parents had brought him earlier than most. He sat looking blanky through the window at the smiling faces of his peers saying their goodbyes to various family members. It appeared as if everybody had a great holiday but him. Everyone seemed to be cheery and filled with new found energy again not him.

He just sat there feeling empty and lost, when suddely the door of the compartment opened.

Serious, was the first thing that popped into the boys head. But in no way was it his traitor brother as he saw long strands of wavy fair hair falling down a girl's back, which was turned to him. She still wasn't in her robes, but in a dark red pullover and dark pants.

"Merlin's beard, " the girl cursed under her breath still not noticing Regulus, who wasn't really sure if he had seen her before.

After a moment of shock the boy recovered his grim expresion and caughed to catch the girl's attention. It wasn't usual for him to look at a person with unpure blood for such a long time except if he was ridiculing them. And he wasn't going to let his guard down just because his stupid brother had left him behind.

"I'm afraid this compartment is already occupaid."

When Constance spun around her blue eyes were wide with shock and shyness as she saw whose appartment she had entered. It wasn't like she did it on purpose. The giant group of Hogwarts students making their way on the train had literally pushed her out of the way in to the room with the Slytherin student then sitting infront of her.

The icy voice with which he spoke to her was enough to send shivers through her bones.

She recognised him instantly. "I'm sorry, I..." she muttered an apology before practicly running off as far away from Regulus Black as possible or who knows what the boy would have done. For he was never that big on forgivness and controlling his temper. At least that was what she had heard.

Constance entered a compartment a little further down and sat down quietly giving a small fake smile to her friends already deep in a debate.

She looked through her window for a little bit to calm herself down, when the train took off. The whole situation had thrown her over the rail. Why did things like this always happen to her?

"No. No way," Pandora ssuddenly said like she had calculated the probability of some situation they were talking about."Not possible."

"Of course it is," Vince claimed with a smug smile. "Otherwise I wouldn't be sitting here with you guys."

"And that," Pandora paused before crossly continuing," is exactly my point."

Vince rolled his eyes looking at the girl with annoyance.

"What are we talking about exactly?"
Constance asked the group.

"About the fact that Vince claimes to have ridden a dragon over Christmas," Pandora answered irratatedly with her arms crossed. Staring Vince down making Vince shift weight uncomfortably.

Constance gave her friend an odd look for it was probably the most unprobable thing he had ever told.

"Rice you believe me right?" Vince hopefully asked his friend, who was wrapped up in a book next to Pandora. Looking like he wasn't paying any mind of the situation, but was actually listening quite carefully.

"Sorry, Vince, but I think I'll have to agree with Pan this time. If you were to face a dragon we would now be talking to a human marshmellow."

All in the compartment burst into laughter for the exception of Vincent.
Between laughs Pandora continued," Thank you Maurice for some pure logic."

"Oh puppey," Vince cursed, which left his three companions wearing questioning expressions on their faces while still grinning.

Vince shrugged." I spent a lot of time with gramps this holiday," he said like it explained the whole situation.

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