Chapter 24

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As Constance stood there in the state of shock she was paralized for a moment. She was not expecting to see the icy cold eyes anytime soon.

"Can I help you?" the greying woman repeated.

Suddenly Constance shook her head to clear her thoughts and decided to give her curiosity priority over her fears. Even if there was something odd about the woman, the girl knew she had no right to judge her by her appearance.

"Yes, hm a few days ago I got this letter. Well a note to be exact," she pulled out the note and gave it to the woman," it had this adress on it. And my name on the back. And I kind of decided to..."

Before Constance could finish the woman, she had seen in the bar a few weeks ago, slightly smiled and pulled her into the house.

"Make yourself at home," she said with a raspy voice like she hadn't spoken to anyone in a while. She closed the door and disappeared into another room leaving Constance in a dim-litted room a lot darker than the outside.

For a moment she stood there waiting for her eyes to adjust to the darkness and when they finally did she noticed a long hall infront of her. The floors made from old wood and clearly creecking as she took a step forward.

The walls around her were mostly blank and white, but had a few paintings. There was a coat hanger with a coat or two and just passed it was the door to a room filled with sun light pouring through the windows.

Catiously Constance entered the room, which was clearly the living room with all the armchairs and sofas and a fireplace outfront. On both sides of the window on her right were shelves filled with all kinds of books.

"You can read them if you want," the woman said suddenly appearing behind the girl making her jump.

"What?" the girl asked a bit out of breath from the shock.

"The books," the brunette nodded towards the shelves while putting down a tray with cookies and tea on the table. "You can borrow them if you like. As long as you bring them back."

Constance shook her head,"It's fine, but I appreaciate the offer."

Smiling the woman nodded and sat down on the sofa across from Constance and took a sip of her tee.

The girl looked around the room noticing a few pictures on the shelf above the fireplace. But one that really caught her eye was one of two young woman hugging and smiling at the photographer.

One of the women was clearly the strange woman who had just invited her into her home. Except compared to that day her eyes were brighter and filled with excitment and joy. She didn't seem so cold or distant like she now did. On the contrary.

Next to her was a woman with long fair hair and dark eyes. Her slender figure was clearly more relaxed than the brunette's next to her. Although Constance was quite certain she had never seen the woman before there was just something about her that looked a bit familiar.

"You can sit down Constance," her hostes said, bringing her back into the room. At the mention of her name Constance couldn't help but tremble a bit.

Eventhough the woman's voice was warm and welcoming something about her dark green eyes seemed to leave her wondering how good of an actor she was.

Nontheless she sat down,"I apologise for asking, but why exactly am I hear?"

The woman looked up from her tea at the young girl with the friendliest look she could master and began,"You see I've heard from Professor Sprout and Albus on countless occasions that you are quite the herbologist. And as I, myself, am one I was more than curious about you. You know how people can get."

The tone at the end of that sentence showed like the woman thought it was common knowledge, however Constance didn't know. Nontheless she nodded yet again surprised with Dumbledore's apparetnly big sharing nature.

"You were talking with Professor Dumbledore about me?"

The woman nodded,"He is actually really fond of you, as far as I can tell. Anyway most of the books I own are Herbology books if you want to borrow one or are ineterest in something just ask."

The woman smiled kindly showing her yellowing teeth and a few wrinkles around her eyes.

"Thank you," Constance began with a sigh until she realised she had no clue about the woman's name. "I'm terribly sorry, but can I ask what is your name?"

She laughed lightly,"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Deirda Bulstrode."
Deidra as she said reached out her hand and shook it with Constance.

"I would introduce myself, but it seems you already know me." The young Hufflepuff shrugged.

The brunette leaned her head to the side, her long brown braid with grey lines fell over her shoulder as she leaned forward. "Tell me Constance. May I even call you that?"

Their eyes met and the girl nodded."Do you like muggle books Constance?"Deidra continued observing the teenager carefully.

"Yes," Constance replied carefully not sure where the conversation was leading.

The older woman smiled again and stood up walking out of the room. "I'll be right back."

Constance only looked after her a bit unsure and uncomfortable to look around eventhough the pictures seemed to pick her interest. But even before she got the chance to stand up Deidra Bulstrode came back with a book in hand.

"Here," the woman handed Constance the book. "I think you'll really like it."
The brunette said and sat back down on the sofa.

"Thank you, but I..."

"I really do recommend it," Deidra added.

Not wanting to argue with the woman Constance nodded trailing her finger across the cover.

Pride and prejudice

It read.

"Thank you, Ms. Bulstrode."

"Please call me Deidra," she said with a small sparkle in her eyes. There was just this quick flash of something in them. Something Constance couldn't recognise, but decided to ignore. Insted the girl smiled in return.

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