Chapter 29

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Regulus was standing in the dark corner of the hall. The shadows partially hidding him as they stretched acrossed his face creating a dark and even a bit scary figure.

Over the year he had got a hang of blending in with his surroundings. He learnt that not all was in being in the centre of attention. He learnt to be quiet and cunning even more so than before.

Through the year he had also become more distant. Distant from his friends, classmates,family... Practically everyone he had ever associated himself with. The only person left was the girl from the room. And even that was different. She was different, he thought just before a small akward figure appeared before him.

Regulus instantly recognised the mousy hair and awkward posture that made the big figure of the boy appear smaller than it was in reality.

"Have you made the decision yet?"
Regulus asked lazily looking over his nails knowing how it would work on the quiet and timid boy.

"Y-y-yes," the boy stuttered trying to be as calm as he could be in the situation.

"Annnd?" Regulus stretched the word out like a cat did withits purr still looking over his hands like they were the most interesting thong inthe world compared to the boy.

"The a-a-n-nswer is y-yes,"the brown-haired boy answered with a lot of uncertainty.

The Slytherin raised his dark eyebrow,"You don't sound certain. What is holding you back?"

The older boy started fumbling with his fingers becoming more and more nervous. "It-t-t's just... m-m-y friends... I don't want them to know... I want them to be s-s-s-afe."

Suddenly a calm smirk appeared on the dark boys face. "Peter is it?" Regulus asked.

The timid boy nodded jumpily when Regulus put his hands on the boy's shoulders.

"You have nothing to worry about. You'll be the hero you always wanted to be. You'll be the one who protects your friend. Hell with that you'll be the one they admire, the person they fear."Regulus could see in the boy's blue eyes how he yearned this. How he yearned to be the person he was describing. A hero to all. "You'll be better than you could have ever imagined."

Peter looked at Regulus now with a totally different look. Suddenly he wasn't a thousand miles away like he was before or afraid like a mouse. No, now he looked at the Death Eater to be with absolute certainty. "I'll do it."

Regulus smiled,"Perfect."

That was how he got Peter Pettigrew to begin his descent into the dark waters that Regulus would regret to have entered. And the guilt... The guilt to have brought someone in with him will be something he would never be able to forget.

"I don't believe you," Constance answered barely holding back her laughter.

"But it's true. I was a little boy! Merlin knows what came over me or how I ended up falling into the fireplace, but I thought it would be fun going through the chimney. I was a curious child."

Constance could help but laugh finally for she would have never believed that the boy who had been such a snob to her only months ago would have ever had adventurs like that.

"Why is that so funny?" Regulus asked now smiling too as the girl's laugh was quite contagious. A few moths ago he would have never been able to talk like this let alone laugh at himself, but somehow the girl brought that out in him.

"I'm sorry. It's just that..."

"It's just what?" Regulus asked standing up from the chair he was sitting in unable to sit still any longer.

Constance exhaled deepely even so letting out a chuckle every now and then.  ," I would have never believed you if you had told me this a few weeks ago. You just seem like someone who doesn't have a lot of room for imagination."

"Oh," Regulus said looking down at the floor. "Well, I wasn't always like that. Me and my brother used to have loads of adventures which were almost never in our mother's favoure."

A momental silence followed while the two lost themselves in their own thoughts.

"What about you?" the Slytherin asked walking on the so called 'path' between the piles always keeping to his right, where the girl was. "Any interesting adventures you want to share?"

Constance chuckled quietly," Too many to count. From falling out of a tree to destrying the whole kitchen to getting lost inthe woods."

"Aren't you a wild child," Regulus teased which sounded very unformiliar coming from him. He had teased people lots of times however never in this form. His teasing could more likely be called taunting.

Constance was now standing too walking towards the boy's voice curiosity getting the best of her.

"But which was your favourite?" Regulus asked surprised at himself for asking that. He had never in his life had such an open conversation. It was against everything he had been told.

"I don't know," Constance answered thinking back to all the adventures she and Ray had had. "Probably the one where I decided to make pancakes out of sunflowers by myself. My magic was a bit wild when I was younger and so my experiment ended up in sunflowers growing out of every nuck and crany inthe kitchen. By the time someone came the whole kitchen floor had become a soccer field of grass and sunflowers."

Regulus chuckled trying to imagine a little girl running around the kitchen happily while sunflowers grew around her.

"I still got my pancakes. Just not with sunflowers." Constance continued thinking of Mrs. Remy when she almost had a heart attack taking in the condition of her beloved kitchen. Let alone Ms. Nutcombe who became red as a tomato.

"I would have liked to have seen that," the boy answered making the girl smile until they both came to a sudden realisation.

It was that moment that the two were as close as they had ever been. Both of them standing near the end of a pile where a ragged old sheet was. If they had only taken a step further they would have seen one another. They would finally be able to talk face to face. All the mystery, all the hidding everything would stop and all would be revealed.But did Constance really want that?

As she stood there at the edge, she knew she wasn't ready. Of course she wondered about the boy. Who he was, what would it be like if they both knew, however what kept her from taking the leep was the thought of how he would react when seeing her. Would he even know her? Than again did she even know him? Constance wasn't exactly known for her social skills for she was usually too caught up in her thoughts to notice anyone. Along with the bad experiences Constance had very little social self-esteem.

Nontheless it she wasn't the one who stopped it.

"I have to go," Regulus told her in a sudden cold and held back tone. It was as if something had changed his mind in less than a seconds duration.

And as close as they may have felt, it all turned into to the farthest they had been very quickly.


I really want to thank everyone for reading, voting and commenting on this book. I know I may not be the best writer, but I really do appreaciate everyone who is reading this.
So please tell me what you think of this book. Even if you don't like it or you think it's boring please tell me.


P.S. the next chapter may be the last one, which means that this book is the first in the Storybook trilogy.

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