Chapter 12

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The library wasn't crowded at all the day of Slughorn's Christmas party, but not because the party held that much importance. It was more along the lines that Christmas would very soon be there and there was nothing to study for until the Christmas break was over.

Of course that didn't stop Pandora as she convinced Constance to come claiming that they wouldn't have as much work to catch up on when the break was over. Constance didn't argue much just happy to spend time with her friend before the holiday.

So there the girls were in the library doing homework and finishing up their assignments, when Pandora suddenly spoke up.

"Con," Pandora called carefully.

"Yes?" Constance asked glancing up from her book only to see her friend a bit nervous, which was rare for her. Very rare. Pandora was usually the tipe who said what they thought no matter what others had to say. Of course she was never mean to people. However that was not the case as the girl kept looking around avoidimg eye contact.

"I'm sorry if I hadn't been spending a lot of time with you and the boys, but it's just been a weird... term. I mean I trully wanted to spend it with you and then Xeno got me to help him on a project of his called Quibbler and the OWLs the professors kept bringing up. I just... I practicly spent very little time with you all and..." Pandora sighted finally looked Constance in the eye." All I wanted to say was that I miss you guys and I hope you can forgive me."

Constance was bewildered after the girl's confession of what had been bothering her so much.

It was true Pandora was a bit distant a busy that year, but Constance would have never held that against her.

"Pan why would I have to forgive you? You have done nothing wrong. It was just a really unusual begining of year. And no one could blame you for focusing on your studies or the fact that you decided to help someone out. And I'm sure Vince and Maurice would say the same."

When Constance finished her speech even she was surprised with her speaking abilities for until recently she didn't think she had those.

"Are you sure?" Pandora repeated.

Constance lifted her hand to her heart with all the fake seriousness she could master, "I solemnly I am not in any way mad at you or have a grudge against anything you have done in this year or any year before."

Pandora let out a small laugh,"Thank you, I really needed to hear that. Although I think you've been spending to much time with Vincent, because this sarcasm is way out of your league."

Constance just shrugged,"Yeah, he has this effect on people."

Pandora smiled in return and they continued studying.


The afternoon had gone by quickly for the girls. With studying and conversing in between time flew by fast. Too fast in Constance's opinion for the dreaded party was soon about to start. Pandora had the luck to escape it, while Vincent, Maurice and her were all going.

Between Maurice and Constance the two didn't really want to go, but out of politeness they both agreed to show up for at least an hour. Although Maurice was attending more for Constance's sake as he knew the girl disliked parties almost as much as he did.

Vincent on the other hand was thrilled to attend, for Elizabeth herself had invited him. That was what Constance had brought to the boy claiming it was big news after meeting the girl. Apparently Elizabeth had no one to go with, when Slughorn had invited her, and she voiced her thoughts to the Hufflepuff. One thing led to another the two ended up attending together.

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