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It was the night it happened. A cold wind swept the fallen autumn leaves across my path as I walked down the dark alleyway towards my home. I'd been at a party, and although there was no music, I could still hear the heavy beats pounding inside my brain. That's when I heard it. An almighty scream tore through the neighbourhood. In the darkness, lights from inside rows of tiny terraced houses flicked on. It was as if someone had turned on one light and accidentally illuminated the whole street.

The scream, gut-wrenching and loud enough to shatter a million glasses. Like a bullet, it pierced my soul and I knew, whatever it was. I needed to get out of there and fast, but before I began to run, I glanced over my shoulder. Blue flashing lights glowed from further down the alleyway. My heart slammed inside my chest, so aggressively I felt I was going to pass out. Flight or fight and I knew which one I needed to do.

I took a deep breath as my footsteps began to pound against the soft muddy ground. I ran faster than I'd ever run before. Home felt like miles away, but I knew it was only on the next street, Brookfield Lane.

A streetlight flickered outside my house as home finally came into sight. I knew Mum would have left the door slightly open and my stepdad would be waiting up for me.

I pushed open the unlocked door and entered the warm house. In the darkness I caught a glimpse of Derek, fast asleep on the settee. I could smell the stench of his whiskey and as I crossed the floor, my foot collided with something glass, but I quickly nipped upstairs.

I showered quickly and changed for bed, but as I climbed into the covers, my phone began to ring. I picked it up and glanced at the flashing screen. It was my friend Libby.

"It's 3 am Lib!" I said as I answered.

The sound of hysterical sobbing flooded down the phone, immediately alerting me that something was wrong. I waited for what felt like forever until a faint voice could be heard.

"It's Reggie...he's dead!"

The Last Breath Of Reggie Warrington Where stories live. Discover now