Chapter 6: Barbie Boy

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Ethan began to laugh, though I wasn't sure if it was genuine, "Chloe you're so funny," or a "Chloe you're such a twit," laugh. He had a laugh that could fill a room and the sound he made was like a chucking kitten, all cute and lovely. Something you wanted to take home and cuddle forever and ever.

"So," he started, "how's the party? Sorry, I'm late, I had, err, stuff to do." I stopped and stared as he ran a hand through his thick dark hair. My eyes shifted to the group of giggling girls, giggling in the background as they watch us talk

"It's been fine, really really good." Ok, I had only really just got there myself and technically that was a lie, but what he didn't know couldn't hurt him, right?

We walked through into the living room where all the drinks and bite-sized nibbles were laid out on long tables, along with Indie's massive birthday cake. Ethan picked up two glasses of, what I thought was wine and handed one to me.
"No thank you." I said, "I don't drink."

"Oh? Strange." Two glasses of wine in hand, he turned to leave. I felt as if I'd offended him, but after seeing what that stuff had done to my stepfather, it had put me off it for life.

Not going to give up on my man that easily, I grabbed his arm. He stopped and turned to talk to me, but it was I that was doing the talking, or rather explaining why I didn't drink.

"Sorry, it's not because I don't like you. I do. It's just that my step-dad is alcoholic, like that stupid man from Coronation Street, the one with the big conk, and he tried to end it all earlier today." As I spoke about Derek and the stuff going on at home, I found myself with tears in my eyes.

I felt Ethan's heart sink, "Chloe, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." He placed, not just one, but both glasses back on the table, "that stuff pickles your brain anyway."

Before I knew it, he pulled me in for a tight embrace. My head resting on his muscular shoulder, I could smell his rather nice and floral aftershave. I'd smelt it before somewhere, but it was very nice. A slow romantic song began to play and before I knew it, Ethan and I were slow dancing together. I had ever felt like that before and never thought I could feel so happy, but when one person is happy, there was always one to bring them down.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned to see Reggie staring down at me. He stood still and with his freakishly long arms, beckoned me to go with him. I shook my head, but persistence was Reggie's middle name! I rolled my eyes and apologised to poor Ethan who had to watch and I was dragged away from him by some crazed maniac known as Reggie Warrington.

Reg dragged me into the back garden where he began to spout out a load of crap about my first ever boyfriend.
"What the hell do you think you are doing with Ethy-Pops, Chlo-Chlo? I've told you, he's not into girls!"

"Well, he seemed quite happy with me!"

"You wouldn't know how to please a straight guy in a million years, let alone someone who is quite obviously G-A-Y!" He started and before long the whole Reggie Warrington's verbal diarrhoea began, "he's had soo many boyfriends you wouldn't be able to count them on your fingers and toes! He's been seen with boys only yesterday, snogging in the park. He probably fancies your brother or your dad or something. He's using you! He must be! Why would any guy in a million years ever want to go out with that?! Let alone anything else!"

With every word of pure and utter rubbish he spoke, the more the anger inside me grew. My patience now almost non-existent. I'd never felt like that before in my life. I wanted him to shut up. I needed him to shut up. I could feel my face contorting into something I knew I wouldn't be able too to recognise. As I glared it his horrible, acne ridden, smarmy face, I no longer felt in control of myself. I drew my hand back and as hard as I could, thwacked it straight across his face. Contact stung my hand and I could feel the blood pulsating through my fingers.

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