Chapter 3: Shrek to My Fiona

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Ten minutes later and grandmas house was in sight. She was another one I didn't really want to know about Derek. She already hated him and she and Mum had had various arguments over him in the past. The last thing I wanted to do was start another row off between them. My grandma was an absolute gossip, like most ladies of her age and I knew it would be all across the town as soon as I'd told her.

I could see grandma waiting by the open door, her clothes covered by a gardening apron as if she'd just been pruning the roses. Clippings of rose bushes hung from the pocket of her apron. I held my siblings' hands and we crossed the road, but I let them walk the few seconds walk to the house as I needed to get back home. For all I knew, the letters I had been given, may not have been the only ones.

Grandma waved to me and I waved back, but instead of allowing me to turn round and go back home, she let the kids into her little house and called me over.
"And how's my Chloe today?" She asked as I walked towards the wooden gate.

"I'm ok, Grandma."

My grandmother began to frown and I knew she knew something was wrong.

I nodded. I had planned not to tell her, not to tell anyone in fact, well apart from mum, but a part of me hoped the hospital would contact her.

I followed grandma into the sitting room. Brad and Lilly were already sitting cross-legged on the floor watching her wide screened television, arguing over the remote control as usual.

"I'm watching The Next Step!" Lilly spoke like a little madam, "I want to know what's happening with Emily and Michelle and who's going to be dance captain!"

"That show's poo!" Brad retorted, "I want to watch Scooby-Doo!"

"Scooby-Pooooo!" Went Lilly again.

They were enough to send someone mad, always arguing and upsetting each other. How people coped with kids I'd never know!

I watched as grandma stood up and switched the tv off. They both moaned loudly in unison, but grandma didn't seem to care. She stood in front of them with her arms folded and a stern look on her face.
"Lilian, Bradley, stand up please."

Up they both stood.

"I've got some nice buns on the counter, why do you go and have a few. Don't eat them all mind, they're for the church fair on Sunday!"

With my siblings out of the way, grandma and I could finally have a decent conversation. Although I didn't know how to put what had just happened into words, I knew I had to say something. Mum needed to hear it from someone she knew and trusted. Not some random from a hospital.

"Are you sure you're ok?" She asked again, but this time instead of lying, I decided to tell the truth.

I shook my head and a tear began to run down my cheek.


In a quieter tone of voice, I began to explain, "It's Derek."

Grandma's eyes rolled from behind her pretty pink spectacles, "what's he done now?"

"I came home from school and I just found him slumped in a chair with an empty bottle of brandy on the floor and all these packets of paracetamol! He was barely breathing, but I dialled 999."

The colour quickly began to drain from grandma and she looked as though she had seen a ghost.
"Oh, my." She said, "I told Betty he was bad news! I told Betty he was news and would she listen? Would she listen? Stupid, stupid idiot!" She paused and looked at me, "you'd better be getting home. Get ready for that party you've been invited to. I'll call your mother and tell her about Derek."

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