Chapter 10: The Reg-Bae Show

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"Mum, we're going out!" I called as Lilly and I nipped down the stairs on our way out to investigate.

Mum left the dining room where she was busy babysitting Mindie Warrington with cups of tea and a shoulder to cry on. It felt weird her being in the house and all I wanted was a bit of fresh air, or rather that's what I told her. I lied, of course. But when her hands were full of Wailing Warrington, my sister and I could have gone on a trip to Mars and she would have been fine with it.

"We're due at the station at eleven, ok? Make sure you're back here at quarter to. And Lilly, grandma will be picking you up and taking you to piano lessons while Maddison looks after Bradley."

Before we left the house, I set a quick reminder on my phone to leave exactly on twenty-to. Reggie's house was only on the next street, so five minutes gave us plenty of time. I opened the front door and closed it quietly behind me. As Lilly and I walked down the road, I began to think people were staring at me. Little old ladies, kids, even the postman, all staring at me. We were just about to cross the road on to the street where Reggie used to live when an elderly neighbour approached.

"Good morning, Chloe, good morning Lilly," said Miss Renshaw, the cold breeze blew her with grey hair in all different directions. Although she wore a bucket type hat, I could imagine the wind blowing it right across the street and into the playground of the primary school opposite "have you heard the news?"

I rolled my eyes and immediately knew she was going to question me about Reggie. "What news will that be?"

"It's going to rain later today. Better get your coat."

I smiled politely and carried on walking. Miss Renshaw was known for being the local batty old busybody, always talking about something called Little Sticky.

As soon as Miss Renshaw had got into her little blue car, Lilly began to whisper, "she's a bit cuckoo, isn't she?" I couldn't help but laugh. It had been a while since I'd found anything funny. Spending an hour or two with her was just what I needed.

We turned the corner onto Reggie's street. Usually, if his brother or sister was at home their cars would be on the driveway, or parked on the road, but nothing and with his mum at our house, the coast was clear. Lilly's pace began to quicken and she started to run down the road towards their house. I watched as she bent down and lifted up a plant pot, which was something I thought was odd. I walked quicker in my sister's direction, the hood of my cream parka up over my head so hopefull,y no one would recognise me.

"Now then? How exactly do we get in? I mean it's not like we have a key is it?"

Lilly looked at me and pulled something out of her pocket. She waved the old golden key in front of my face. "It's the spare key," she said.

"Ok? And you knew it was there, because?"

"Because when Sara's grandma is out, her uncle Reggie has his boyfriends over. He used to leave the key for them."

"Wait...? Them...? As in more than one?"

Lilly nodded and opened the door to the Warrington's house, but as it opened, a familiar voice called my name.
"Chloe? What are you doing?"

I almost leapt out of my skin but turned around to see Libby standing near the gate about to go into her house which was next door.
"What are you doing?" She said, "you ok babes?"

I nodded. "Police were round at ours earlier. I told them exactly what happened. I've got to go to the station later. Give a statement. It was an accident, Lib."

Libby walked round to Reggie's driveway and wrapped her arms around me.
"I told them everything too. How he was bullying you all night at the party and how horrible he was. Indie is going to make sure her parents show them the CCTV footage. They'll believe you, Chloe. They have to."

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