Love Comes In At The Eyes

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What am I doing here? Jon thought as he found himself standing in front of the dark mahogany door. His thoughts were asphyxiating him during the first half of the night. He couldn't stand this urge to see her, to touch her skin, to feel her presence permeating his senses. He had never felt like this, not even with the wildling he had grown to love in the past. She was always the one to initiate. Nevertheless, here he is, falling for this dragon queen.

He could be the commander of many battles, he could stroke Drogon's silhouette, he could kill dozens of white walkers, he could come back from the dead... but he just could not get himself to knock on the door of the mother of dragons. However, he felt he had to do this. It was the only way he would know for sure. Being neglected would be dreadful, but it would end. He would know she did not fancy him, he would bury his feelings... but her eyes did not neglect him. Her eyes were calling out for him. He was almost sure she felt the same way... almost.

I shall know once and for all. Those were the words on his mind before making that awful sound against the door that sent shivers through his spine. He longed running back to his chambers. How could he be such a coward? Maybe she did not hear it... Maybe she is asleep and I can forget about this. He waited for some seconds, the longest seconds in his life. As he was about to turn around and leave, the door opened and exposed those curious purple eyes...


Those abysmal brown eyes were the first thing that caught her attention as she opened the door. She would never have thought Jon would be knocking on her door in the middle of the night. He did not seem like the kind of man... What was she thinking? This was the same man who led a suicide expedition north of the wall. The only one who traveled all the way to Dragonstone to refuse to bend the knee. He is the first man who has dared to touch Drogon. This king has always been a risk taker.

Why is he here? She knew the answer to that question and, truth be told, she wanted him to be here. She remembered how he held her hand and did not want to let go of her a few days before. Why doesn't he say anything? He doesn't have to. Those eyes reveal his intentions. He needs her just as much as she needs him. She knew the decision she was making when she opened the door and allowed him to come in. She understood it was not wise to do this with an ally, but this was different. She had never felt like this, not even with the Khal she had grown to love in the past. She had never needed anyone but herself. Nevertheless, here she is, falling for this king in the north.

He feels the same way... she thought as he entered the room and slowly closed the door, his eyes never leaving hers. Those immersed brown eyes...


He fathomed the poison they were about to drink and he also knew the consequences were going to be disastrous. There is no love without tragedy, that much he had learned throughout his life. What a preposterous act they were about to commit.

Naturally, he would have advised her queen to marry a man of his position. He is a perfect match... Strong, trustworthy, reliable, good, a King loved by thousands... But this was no arranged marriage. This was the true manifestation of playing with fire. Maybe she does not love him. What a fool he would be if he believed this thought. How could she not? The queen had valued Jon's counsel over his. She spoke to the king in the north with the most delicate voice. The mother of dragons risked her life and lost one of her children at the cost of saving the white wolf... There is no denying how much this northern boy mattered to the queen.

He wanted them to be happy, he truly did... Regardless of all, they were both still young souls who had to mature to survive and reign. Yet history proved there has never been a positive outcome from the Stark and Targaryen encounters. There is no time for this nonsense... Nonetheless, there was nothing he could do after that three-headed dragon door closed. The dragon and the wolf dance tonight... I will have to protect them from each other. All in all, love is the death of duty and these young monarchs are vital to the great war.

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