Demon's Dance

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I have never seen her like this. Witnessing her on the floor with pain written all over her face broke his heart. "My queen, what is wrong? Please tell me and I will do everything I can and more to help you" he said as he seated beside her and she blurted out her response. "You were right. I should have listened to you. He hates me and now there is nothing I can do about it. How am I going to fight a war like this?!" Tyrion interrupted her mumbling. "Daenerys, I cannot understand anything you are saying. Please explain yourself". Daenerys hugged her belly as she looked at him "Tyrion, I just found out I am pregnant. I am carrying Jon's child inside me". Tyrion immediately understood Daenerys' strange behavior.

He tried to hide his unnerving face. "You will have a child, my queen. You are fertile and will have an heir. Are you not happy with this news?" Tyrion said trying to be optimistic. "Jon avoids me every day. He will not speak with me. He hates my presence... and I am carrying his child. I doubt he even wanted a son. He has never talked about it, he joined the Night's Watch some years ago renouncing his right to have a family. Having a child now will only complicate everything". Tyrion stood up and gave the queen his hand to help her stand up. "He does not hate you. I'd rather dare say he is very much in love with you. He was a boy when he joined the Night's Watch. He did not know what he wanted by then and he thought you were barren so he obviously did not dare to talk about it. He will love this child... However inconvenient the timing may be".

She sat in the edge of Tyrion's bed "I should have listened to you. There is no time for this".  Tyrion grabbed her hand as he stood in front of her. "What's done is done. This is no tragedy, quite the contrary. He loves you and carrying his son will make him love you even more. He cares for you and he will clearly care for his child. When this war is over, you will have no better suitor for marriage than the King in the North, the heroes of Westeros... but you need to tell him you are carrying his son first. You have to tell him the truth and I cannot help you in this task, but I assure you I will be there for you no matter what Jon's response is". Daenerys squeezed his hand and looked at him with the purest eyes. "You have already done enough. Your council is one of the greatest gifts I have received. Thank you, my friend" she said as she took him by surprise with a hug. My council is yours, my life is yours... my heart is yours now and always. I believe in you and I will follow you forever. "It is nothing your grace. After all, it is my job and I am your hand. Now go and tell him so we can make an end to this dispensable melodrama".


The king in the north sat in an extensive boulder in front of the frozen black pool while he was cleaning Longclaw. The weirwood heart tree still had a few red leaves, which looked lovely in contrast with the snow around it. He felt so calm and relaxed when he was in the Godswood. It was the only place he could find where he could forget for a moment about the imminent threat on the other side of The Wall. Ghost was resting beside him when he abruptly lifted his head from the snow looking at something. What is wrong, boy? "He is a beautiful direwolf, but those red eyes take some time to get used to". He turned around to see Daenerys approaching him. Gods, she looks amazing today. She was wearing a white dress with red coat details and her hair was magnificently loose around her sculpture with only the top part collected with a three-headed dragon emblem pin. "Every part of your dragons take some time to get used to," he said as he looked at his sword trying to hide his amazement towards her beauty. Daenerys laughed smoothly as she sat beside him.

"Are you feeling better, your grace? Did Samwell arrive to check on you?" He asked showing his angst of not knowing how she was feeling. "Everything is fine. There is nothing to worry about. Thank you for sending him over" she responded while she extended her arm searching for his hand and grabbed it before he could hide it. She smiled while looking at their hands intertwined together "I miss your warm hands, I miss your touch... I know you miss me too, Jon. Please, we can leave what happened aside. I am so sorry for what I did and said..." Jon hid his hand as he tilted to be face to face with her. "Daenerys, this is not about what you said or did. I forgive you. To be honest, I forgave you many days ago, but... I... We cannot continue what we had before". Daenerys rested her hand in his lap and leaned over, their noses almost touching each other. "Why not? I do not understand how we could just forget about this". Jon closed his eyes before speaking "We have to. I know this is hard, but you are my aunt and this is wrong... I cannot just forget about that".

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