Bittersweet Revelation

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A fortnight has passed and he still will not talk to me. She was starting to get impatient. She did not know how he was dealing with the news. Truth be told, she did not know anything about him other than what she could observe when they had the council meetings. She often tried to follow him after the gatherings had ended, but he always knew how to disappear inside his home. When she did see him, he was either walking with Ghost or sparring with Arya, both being wolves she preferred to have a fair amount of distance between them. She even had more conversation with Sansa than with him. Nonetheless, those conversations were far too formal and just existed to suffice any needs the queen and her people could have while staying in Winterfell. Sansa never spoke anything about Jon in them. During the supper, he never sat close to her and, even though she frequently tried to make eye contact with him, he would never glance at her. His evasion towards her was tremendously palpable. Today, he will not get away with it... She was waiting in the hallway next to where his room was and made sure to be there early so he would have to run into her on his way to the Great Hall.

She heard some footsteps coming from the direction of Jon's room and she started to walk the other way so it would not be so obvious she was waiting for him. When she knew he had taken the left to the hallway she was in, she turned around and tried to act as normal as possible. "Oh, good morning Jon". He looked at her as he walked towards her direction, but his eyes sent shivers down her spine and were as cold as the winter. "Good morning, your grace". When he reached her, she continued to walk beside him. "You know you do not have to be as formal with me... You could even call me Dany, like you used to do". He did not continue the conversation and simply kept walking.

I cannot take this any longer. She stood in front of him, blocking his way and he had no choice but to stop walking. "Jon, I am so sorry. I hate myself for treating you that way. I know it must have been hard for you to handle what Bran said and I only made it worse and I... I just..." Jon interrupted her with a cold answer "There is nothing to forgive, your majesty". Jon, please stop this. "Dany, you still like to call me Dany, right?" She tried to touch his face, but he took two steps backwards. "Jon, please forgive me. I want to be here for you. I miss you terribly..." Jon looked at the floor, clearly hiding away his feelings. I know you do too. "I do not want to arrive late to the meeting. You should not either". She felt helpless as he continued to be as cold as ice with her and after a moment, she had to let him through. They walked together to the council meeting, but did not exchange a word after their small conversation.

When they arrived, the meeting started and Jon sat on the opposite side of the table. "Do we have any word from Eastwatch?" Jon asked after he had gotten himself comfortable. "Unfortunately we do not have any news from them, your grace. No raven has flown from Eastwatch in the last two days". Daenerys had sent Ser Jorah that way to help in the guarding, but she had not heard from him recently. "Has Ser Jorah sent any ravens? Have we not heard from him either?" Tyrion answered with a hopeless tone "I am afraid we have not heard from anyone close to The Wall. Maybe the weather is denying the ravens to fly".

Lord Varys spoke up to address both Jon and Daenerys "I am afraid I have some bad news as well... The Lannister forces have not headed North... My little birds have informed me that Cersei Lannister will not hold up to her word." Daenerys hit the table with her hand in frustration "She lied to our faces". Jon sighed as he looked at the plans on the table. "Let us hope the ravens up north have not arrived due to bad weather. May I suggest your army starts arriving to Winterfell? Along with Drogon and Rhaegal..." As Jon finished speaking, Daenerys felt like throwing up. She tried to hold back her sudden urge while concentrating on the meeting, but her face gave away her sickness. Jon noticed her sudden face contraction and did not hesitate to ask. "Are you feeling well, your grace?" Daenerys tried to ignore her stomach ache. "Yes, I am fine... It is nothing I just..." Not again. "I am not feeling well... if you excuse me, I..." Jon looked somewhat worried and like he cared for the queen for the first time in the past days. "Sam, if you could check on the queen and give her anything that could help her". Sam nodded "Of course! I can see if..." she turned around before Sam finished speaking and raced towards the exit, leaving everyone present a bit shocked.

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