The Wolves' Den

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The steps he took along the dark hallways towards the Great Hall were endless. The day to address the matter that gave him restless nights had arrived. How am I going to convince these stubborn lords to follow Dany? He had Longclaw with him just in case the worst possible scenario came true. He was almost there, yet he was not ready. The doors opened and he noticed everyone was waiting for him. Sansa and Arya were seated on the left of his seat and Daenerys and Tyrion were seated right. He was relieved to see Dany would be next to him. As he walked to his chair and sat down, he felt the tension in the room. The first time in history a Targaryen and a Lannister were seated in the main table of the Starks.

"My lords and ladies, I thank you all for your patience. I am aware my absence was longer than expected, but I do bring good news. We have mined all the dragonglass we will ever need to fight against the others." The northern lords started hitting the tables with their mugs and cheering for the good news. Jon knows their happiness will only last so much. "Aye, every man and woman will have their weapon thanks to Queen Daenerys Targaryen, who kindly let us mine the caves in Dragonstone". The room fell silent, every single person looking at the dragon queen. He wished he had Daenerys' notable confidence. She remained strong whilst she was being judged by everyone in the room. "Although that is not all she has given us... Queen Daenerys has agreed to fight alongside us in the Great War to come. She has the biggest army Westeros has ever seen and her dragons will help us in the fight against The Others". Some of the northern lords started to hit mugs and cheer for her.

"What is she asking in exchange?" called Lord Glover. And now it begins.. Jon thought as he took a deep breath before revealing what he had feared the most during the last fortnights. "I have pledged the North's Allegiance to Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen in the war to reclaim the Iron Throne." Only a few words in and already the Seven Hells broke loose in the Great Hall. There was chaos all over the room. Tyrion looked at Daenerys as the shouting intensified. He knew the dangerous position his queen was in. Only a few unsullied with them, no dragons close to protect them. Jon shared a glance with Daenerys trying to let her know she was safe, but he knew better than to believe this himself.

"My lords... My Lords! Winter is here! The Others have an army of at least a hundred thousand... We need this alliance!" Lord Glover interrupted Jon without a care in the world to address the northern lords. "My lords! My ladies! We crowned this night's watch boy when the true avenger of the Red Wedding was Lady Sansa. She is a true Stark and she should be the Queen in the North!" Sansa rose up and interrupted him "How dare you disrespect your king in that manner?!" This is out of control "He is not our king anymore, Lady Sansa! Jon Snow just told us how his loyalty now lies with his new queen, but she will never be our queen! I spit on the Targaryen blood. The north remembers the horrors her father brought to Westeros! This bastard boy is following his brother's footsteps falling for a foreigners arse"

Jon stood up from his chair, his hands harshly hitting the table, the face of a wolf ready to attack and everyone went silent. He started to move towards Lord Glover as he spoke. "The north remembers, and believe me Lord Glover that I will never forget you refused to call your banners for the battle to retake Winterfell. You dare speak of loyalty, but you are disrespecting the late king in the north, my brother in his own home! You can speak all you want of me, but you will not disrespect my family and you will not disrespect my guests! Queen Daenerys risked her life to save me, a stranger! You could not even call your banner-men to battle for the house you swore allegiance to. She deserves my respect and loyalty. You deserve next to nothing! Let this be a warning, but the next time you speak ill of her will be the last time you speak!" Everyone was stunned with Jon's response. He had never been a volatile man and no one had seen this rage within him, not even his siblings, not even him. He felt like a dragon had woken up inside him and had taken over his body. He decided to take a step back, because if not he would have killed the lord in an instant.

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