Chapter 1: Our Night

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Hi, this is my first time trying a book like this, please enjoy and feel free to leave feedback.

"Home sweet home." = Speaking

"Home sweet home." = Thinking/Mind linking

'Home sweet home.' = Writing


(Mars POV)

I could feel the thick, wet mud sink as my boots trudged over the brown blanket that covered the portion of forest I had found myself in and the half full moon lit my path to camp.

For six long rain-filled days I have been camped out in this section of forest waiting for a rouge pack to arrive, I'd learnt the rouge pack had planned an assault on the local pack and came to intercept them.

Hard to believe, a 4'9 girl stopping an entire pack but my human height didn't represent the size of my wolf, Artemis. She was 5'10 with a dark grey borderline black back with a light ash grey underside, both of our eyes are a shiny emerald green.

Still there is quite a distinct contrast between the two of us, where she is big and powerful I am far more petite and have messy brown locks that reach my hips.

 She was a match for any alphas wolf. The only problem was the damage shifting did to my human body when I transformed, my muscles are pulled and torn and every bone in my body aches for days because of the rapid and unnatural change in size.

None the less I have been on the hunt for rouges for the past couple of years, this pack I was hunting was larger though, I know I have a good chance of biting the metaphorical bullet.

As I continued my march through the forest I finally reached my camp, my duffel bag sat by a tree and a small ditch by the tree had a tarp in it. My bed.

"Home sweet home." Artemis mumbled sarcastically in my head.

"We're leaving soon." I replied, folding the dark blue tarp up and stuffing it into the duffel bag which held my food and what few belongings I owned.

"Fine by me." Artemis answered back to me.

Once I got all my items sorted out I stripped off my dark green trench coat, Black singlet, Jeans, boxers and boots, leaving me in my birthday suit.

Slowly I felt my body morph and bones begin to break and reform as darkness consumed my vision as I sank lower to the ground.

(Artemis POV)

Slowly I stood up once Mars surrendered control to me, glancing around I could tell that the sun was beginning to set in the far off distance as a slight chill began to creep into the evening air.

Stretching out my long body I took off at a steady trot towards the clearing where the rouge pack had been gathering, it took me about half an hour before I reached the small clearing and peered out the underbrush of the forest that concealed me from sight.

With the wind blowing towards me the rouge wolves are unable to smell me out while I could pick through their scents to get an idea of what I'm going up against.

Although even with the element of size and surprise on my side I didn't think this was a fight I could win. In front of me stood fifty plus wolves, I had anticipated twenty or thirty, a large raiding party, not this small army that laid before me.

"This isn't good, you want to retreat?" I asked Mars in my head.

"We agreed to hunting our fellow rouges until our time came, if we are to die today than nothing has the means to change that, if we are to live through this battle than so be it. Fight to the finish." Mars answered back, despite her courage I could hear a trace amount of apprehension laced into her voice.

"So be it, to the death." I replied as I launched myself from the underbrush at full speed and towards the rouges that had gathered to meet in the small clearing.

Before any of the gathered wolves knew what was happening I clamped my jaw across ones back and with one sharp twist broke the smaller wolfs spine.

Tossing the limp wolf aside I let out a roar as all hell broke loose and the rouges came running towards me with the murder in my eyes mirrored in their eyes.

(Mars POV)

I limped through the forest towards my camp, the fight hadn't gone in my favor tonight, all the rouges had died to Artemis in the clearing but the rouges sheer numbers had been enough to swarm us.

Now I was hauling my blood soaked, bleeding, bare body through the forest in the dark. It took almost a full hour to reach the camp and by then I was barely standing and my vision was darkening becoming distorted.

Reaching my duffel I collapsed into the dirt in front of it, Groaning lightly in pain I reached forward and unzipped it and pulled out my trench coat. With some difficulty I put it on, pulled myself up and leaned my back against the tree beside by bag.

"Hey Artemis, this is our night... isn't it?" I asked in my head while I took in deep breaths.

"I think it is." Artemis tiredly replied to me, clearly the battle took its toll on her, I could feel her fading in my mind.

Looking up I saw the half moon shining brightly in the starlit sky, "We die under a half moon, how fitting." I muttered in my head while lazily lifting a hand towards the moon, I forced a smile on my face as I finally started to surrendered to the darkness that had started to invade my vision.

"Is this what you planned for me goddess?" I thought as I finally lost my fight and the darkness overtook my sight, my hand falling limp at my side.


And that is chapter one, kind of short but I hope you enjoyed none the less.


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