Chapter 1

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Your eyes snapped open and you lurched forwards in your seat as the tarmac road changed to rough gravel. You rubbed your eyes and peered out of the grimy window as Miss Pauling slowed the van to a stop. The van came jolting to a halt, the engine sputtering for a bit before it died down. Miss Pauling looked over at you and smiled.

'Well...this is you.' She waved a hand to the building that towered above the van. You got out of the vehicle, jaw hitting the floor. The grey building cast a shadow over everything in a mile radius. You stood in awe at it for a while as Miss Pauling went up to the blast-doors. With shaking hands, you grabbed your luggage and swung the door shut. It gave out a little creak as you did so. Well, this was it. What you'd been waiting for for what felt like your whole life - the RED team had accepted you as a tenth mercenary. This was your new home.

You past jobs had been extremely boring - dishwasher in a small cafe, book sorter at a library, dishwasher at a bar...and countless others. You shuddered as you remembered one of your old bosses that had dragged you to his office and attempted to rape you. You could remember his hand tight in your hair, his lips pressed roughly against any showing skin...

You shook the thoughts from your mind. You were meant to be happy! You were going to meet and live with nine other people (who you'd heard had interesting personalities). This was quite possible the best day of your life. But if that incident with you boss had never happened, you'd never have met Scout.

You had been taken to his office, and he had just locked the door. He'd grinned at you with a hungry look in his eyes, and you'd gulped. You'd taken a step backwards and bumped into a chair, which fell with a loud clatter. He'd advanced on you and grabbed your wrist roughly, forcing you back towards the wall. The chair had broken in your struggle as you'd tried to hit him in the face, but he pushed you back. His hands had been roaming over your body as the young man had knocked on the door. You'd let out a small squeak of 'Help!' before your boss could clamp a hand over your mouth, and Scout had dropped his bucket of chicken and rushed to help you. He'd picked up one of the chair legs and beat your manager round the head with it. Ever since then, he'd treated you like a sister.

You stood nervously in front of the giant metal blast-doors, the main entrance to the RED base. Miss Pauling rapped her knuckles loudly and forcefully on it them for the fourth time, as you bounced lightly on the balls of your feet. You were so shaken with fear and excitement that you jumped at the tiniest of things, for example, you sprang about five feet in the air when you hear a dull thud from behind you - one of the RED BREAD van doors had fallen off. Now you felt like an idiot - the worst part was, Miss Pauling had seen you. She was the type of person that liked things to be organised, and maybe tended to get a bit grouchy when things went wrong. Her hair was up in a tight bun, and she let a lock of hair loose on each side of her face. She stood with an excellent posture, shotgun tucked into the belt around her small purple dress.

'Hey, what can I do for ya Miss Pauling?' A man's Boston accent blared from a speaker box next to the doors before the woman could open her mouth. 'Oh, hey (Y/N)! Long time no see! Let's get these doors open, then...'

'Yes, please do.' Miss Pauling said impatiently. 'What took you so long? We were waiting quite a few minutes for someone to open the doors, Scout!'

'Sorry, sorry. We were uh.....settin' up a lil' somethin' in the Meeting Room. Come on in!' There was a click as he hit the button to open the doors, and the slowly slid open and stopped with a heavy clunk. 'And can I just say, Miss Pauling, you look amazing today, as usual.'

'Not now, Scout.' She said exasperatedly. She had told you all about Scout - apparently one of his attempts to seduce her had ended up with them fighting a tumour-infested mutant loaf of bread, and she (thankfully) didn't go into too many details. They had eventually begun dating, but apparently Scout's idea of a perfect date usually involved buckets of chicken. You hauled your heavy suitcase through the endless amount of corridors as Miss Pauling lead you to the Meeting Room that Scout had mentioned. She opened the door for the both of you to get confetti thrown in your faces. Someone blew a party horn right next to you, and you dropped your luggage to clasp your hands over your ears. Miss Pauling was wincing, so this was probably usual behaviour from them. Once over your initial shock, you looked around the room. A large banner was hung untidily at the back which read in block capitals:

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