Chapter 19

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You pushed open the door to the mess hall with a creak. The chatter of the other mercenaries died as soon as you stepped through the doorway. Eight blank faces stared at you as you stood awkwardly by the door.

'Um...hey.' You said.

'We were ah...jus' talkin' bout you, lass.' Demo replied, and Pyro nodded and clapped their hands together excitedly.

'Hudda! Mrph mrr mrmphr mrrph!' They said, bouncing on their seat excitedly. You raised an eyebrow at them.

'I think 'e's sayin' 'e's 'appy that you remember everythin'.' Demo translated.

'Oh. Thanks Pyro!' You smiled, and they gave you a thumbs up. 'So I take it that's what you've been talking about then? That I have my memory back?'

'Yeah, we 'ave. Why ain'tcha happy? Bein' able ta remember stuff is good, right?' Scout asked, and you shrugged.

'Yeah, but now I remember stuff that I don't want to as well.' You said with a small voice.

'Stuff like what?' He asked, and you heard a cough from Sniper, who was shaking his head. 'Oh, er...never mind I asked.' He said quickly, going a bit red.

You took your seat next to Sniper and busied yourself with eating what you presumed was macaroni and cheese. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Sniper and Spy watching you. The rest of the mercenaries were just beginning to talk when the door creaked open once more, and the last member of the team walked in.

'Hey, Medic! The gang's all here!' Scout exclaimed cheerily, thankful for a distraction from the awkwardness that hung like a thick fog in the room. 'Have ya heard? (Y/N)'s got 'er memory back!'

'Yes, I know.' He said simply, sitting down opposite you. You gave him a small smile.

'Shame you guys didn' come to truth or dare last night.' Engie piped up from the other end of the table. 'You missed so much!'

'We said, we wouldn't talk 'bout it!' Scout snapped at him. Pyro made a sound that was something like muffled laughter, whereas Heavy's laughter shook the room.

'Leetle man said vhen he vas a leetle boy he - '

'Enough!' Scout shrieked wildly, a panicked expression on his face. 'You guys promised!'

'Mrph mr mph!' Pyro said, shaking their head. You presumed this meant that they didn't promise.

'Take off the mask and tell us then!' You said, but they shook their head again, slumping their shoulders. 'You don't have to take it all the way off, just over your mouth.' You glanced wickedly at Scout, who had gone pale.

He shook his head again. 'Mr mph mrmph.' A look of relief washed over Scout's face and he sighed deeply.

'I'll find out somehow.' You promised him with a menacing look on your face.

'Sure, great. Anyways, there's a meetin' in the Rec Room, tonight at eight. Ya'll gotta be there.' Scout announced, and everyone else looked at each other with confused expressions.

'A meeting in the Rec Room? What's up with the Meetin' Room?' Engie asked.

'There's more room in the Rec Room for all'a us, dummy!' Scout sighed. 'Just be there, kay?'

'What ees eet about?' Spy said from opposite you.

'Secret.' Scout shrugged. 'And if any'a you decide not ta come, I'll make ya do more trainin' with Soldier.' With that, he got up and swiftly left the room.

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