Chapter 14

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Your P.O.V

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

'Is that my alarm clock? Do I have an alarm clock?'

The sound was fuzzy at first - as if you were hearing it from underwater. Then it cleared, and a pain in your chest exploded into your mind. You clutched at your ribs which screamed at the contact, and the alarm clock suddenly started beeping faster. The sound clashed with the ringing in your ears. You looked around weren't in your room. This place was more like a hospital, but not as clean as you would have expected. One by one, more pains from various parts of your body became noticeable - there was a rather annoying pain from the back of your head, your arms and legs ached, and you were pretty sure some of your ribs were broken. How these things happened had no idea.

Where am I? If this is a hospital, what are those stains on the wall?'

You became aware of a soft breathing coming from next to you. You turned to see a man, sleeping, with his head hung and his back hunched. His hand was resting on the frame of your bed. He was wearing a white coat, so you presumed he was the doctor. His face reminded you of a statue - chiselled features, awfully handsome. On the end of his nose, a pair of round glasses were perched and threatening to fall off. His hair was messed up, a lock of it falling into his eyes. You just stared at him for a moment...who was this man?

The longer you looked at him, the faster the beeping became. You attempted to calm yourself before you woke him, but there was no need. His eyelids lifted suddenly when he heard the beeping quicken, revealing a pair of brilliantly blue eyes. When he saw you staring at him, his face lit up and he gently took one of your hands.

'Are you alright?'

'I...' Your voice was a croaky whisper, and you withdrew your hand from the man's large one. Were you supposed to know him? 'I'm OK, I guess...'

'Vonderful, vonderful!' He cried, his thick German accent becoming more prominent as the ringing in your ears cleared.

'I...what happened?' You asked, clearing your throat a bit. His eyes narrowed slightly, and his tone became a bit more sad.

'You don't remember vhat happened? Zat's fine...vhat do you remember?' His voice and eyes were filled with concern.

'Nothing...I don't remember anything...who are you? Who am I? Where am I? How'd I get here? And what the - '

'Please, please, calm down...' He said in a soothing voice as your heart monitor began to beep faster again. 'I...I vill do my best to explain, but later. Ze ozers vant to see you.'


'You vill see...' He said, and turned away, muttering to himself a bit loudly. 'I knew it! She has amnesia...vorse zan I expected...' He scribbled something on a scrap of paper quickly, then spoke into a microphone. 'She's avake...but somezink's wrong.'

No sooner than two minutes after he'd made the announcement, there were frantic knocks on the door. The man walked over to open it, and soon your bed was surrounded by a mix of people. They were all staring at you expectantly, as if you were about to do something interesting.

'Do you recognise anyvone?' The man asked you softly, and you peered around at all of the people. You felt like you'd met them before...had they go to school with you or something? All of their faces rang a bell, but you couldn't put a name to them, or how you felt you knew them. You shook your head.

'I feel like I know you...but I don't. Why, am I supposed to?'

'You are' On of them said stiffly. He had a French accent which you felt you knew, again, but from where form you had no idea. You noticed him glance at the doctor and a man wearing sunglasses briefly.

'Sorry, I just can't put a finger on how your faces seem familiar.' You shrugged, causing your ribs to burst into pain. You drew in a sharp breath, wheezing slightly.

'Maybe we should give 'er some space, yeah? Maybe come in one by one or somethin'.' Standing on your right was a man who looked like he was the youngest, wearing a baseball cap and chewing some bubblegum. 'Nice to have ya back though.' He patted your shoulder and left, some of the others trailing behind him. Soon, it was only the doctor, the Frenchman and the guy with the glasses.

'You don't even recognize us?' The man with sunglasses asked, almost as if he were offended.

'No...was I involved with any of you or something?' You asked, the three of them seemed more prominent figures in your mind. Were they just close co-workers, or had you been dating one of them?

The doctor choked at your question, and your face went red. 'I just meant...I was just asking!' You said hurriedly.

'You were not with any of us.' The man had an Australian accent. 'I don't know about any of the others...'

'Just forget I asked.' You mumbled closing your eyes. All of the men looked so familiar yet...they weren't. You couldn't remember who they were for the life of you. You curled your hands into fists in anger and pulled at the bed sheets. 'I need some time try and think.' You said numbly.

'As you wish, mademoiselle.' The Frenchman in the mask said, producing a cigarette from his suit and lighting it, before walking away briskly.

'Good to see you're ok, Roo.' The Australian man patted your arm and began to head for the door. You grabbed his wrist suddenly, and he let out a small gasp of surprise.

'Roo? Were my parents mentally challenged when they named me?' You asked, confused. Seriously, which sane adults would name their kid Roo?

'Oh, uh, no.' He snorted, a small smile on his lips. 'Your name is (Y/N) (L/N), Roo is just a sorta nickname...that only I call ya. I can stop, uh...if ya want?'

A nickname? Huh...was he sure you weren't involved with him? 'O-Oh,'s ok, if...if you're used t-to calling me "Roo".' You stammered, your cheeks turning a little red. The man's smile broadened a few millimetres, and he put on his amber tinted sunglasses and sandy coloured hat. He gave your arm a comforting squeeze before leaving the room and leaving you with the German doctor.

'Um...alone it...' He muttered, grabbing a mug from his desk and shuffling a few papers around before he left. You thought he looked adorably flustered as he did so.

'Wait, doc! Before you leave!' You called out to him, and he stopped making his desk more of a mess. He looked up at you over his glasses, a little tense.

'Is there uh...any possibility I can get up and about yet?'

'It is best if you do not. If you need anyzink...just ask me.'

'Oh...uh.' Damn, you needed to stretch your legs, you could already feel them cramping. Being allowed to walk to the bathroom and around the lab didn't really qualify for you as "up and about". Apparently, the boys were pretty rough and you might re-break your ribs. (You didn't even know they were broken until he told you). 'Thanks doc...I guess.'

'My name is Medic.' He said, in a slightly annoyed tone of voice. Not that you noticed, though. 'I vould prefer if you called me zat.'

'Don't the others call you "doc" or "doctor"?'

'Yes, but zey do not respect my vishes.'

'OK then, Medic...wait, do you mind if I call you Med?'

You saw the corners of the man's mouth twitch upwards and his shoulders lost their tension. 'Vell...' He said, his smirk widening a bit. 'If you vant to, zen.'

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