Chapter 18

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The next morning you entered the mess hall, silently praying that no one would be there. Salty tear tracks stained your face, and you tried to rub them off when you saw a certain masked man was sat at the table, smoking.

'Bonjour (Y/N).' He smiled.

Good day my ass. You though to yourself, forcing a weak smile of your own. 'Hey.'

''Ow are you doing? You look a bit...upset.'

'I'm fine.' You lied stiffly. You could feel Spy's eyes boring into the back of your head as you turned your back on him to make two cups of coffee.

'Eef you say so.' He shrugged, blowing another cloud of smoke into the air. You fidgeted awkwardly under the gaze of Spy as you waited for the water to boil. After what seemed like an eternity, the machine started spitting out water, and you drummed your fingers on the counter top as both cups filled with coffee.

'I'll uh...see you later.' You said, grabbing both cups and whisking out of the room. You made your way down to the lab as quickly as you could.

'Oh, hello (Y/N)...vhat is zis?' Medic looked at your hands, in each you held a coffee cup. You held out one to him, and he took it from you, a bit confused.

'This is for when I missed the day we were meant to get coffee...and I...I need to talk.'

'So I heard.' He said, as he began pulling the operating table parallel to his desk. He cleared away a few papers from his desk and sat on it, gesturing to the table opposite him. 'Please, sit down.'

You did so and you took a sip of your coffee. 'So Sniper told you what happened, then.' You stood up and put your hands on the back of your neck, stretching and pacing around aimlessly.

'Vhat are zose?' Medic asked, and you looked at him with a confused expression.

'What are whats?'

'Zese, on your back.' He said, lifting your shirt up a few centimetres. His fingers grazed over the scars that covered your torso, and you twitched at the contact.

'Oh, them?' You asked nervously, pushing memories to the back of your head where they had sat for years. 'They're nothing. They happened a long time ago.'

'Did you get into lots of fights at school or somezink?' He asked as you pulled your shirt down hastily.

'Not at school, no.'

'Vhere zen?'

You turned away from him. 'I don't want to talk about them.' You said, voice trembling. Your scars burned as you remembered the ones where a belt had hit you time and time again...where the kitchen knife had cut into sometimes you couldn't sleep through the pain. You realised a tear was sliding down your face, and you wiped it away quickly. A strong hand held your arm gently, and Medic turned you around to face him.

'A long time ago? You can't keep it bottled up inside you for zat long. You need to tell somevone.'

'And I suppose you want that someone to be you.' You said, and he nodded. 'No...I don't want to.' You said firmly, sounding like a really stubborn child, but he gripped you tighter.

'Do zey havff anyzink to do viz your dad?' He asked, and you tensed up. He noticed, taking your silence as a yes.

'Tell me. 'He demanded, and you felt your legs grow weak. He had so much power over you when he spoke like that...the way he towered over you, his voice commanding you. You found yourself sitting down on the operating table and starting to speak.

'Ever since I was 13 dad started to get really angry. Mum had left and he spent his nights at pubs and bars, and when he came home, he...he started to...' You choked up as you remembered the look of anger on his face one night when he returned home and he'd just felt in the mood. 'He began to abuse me, he whipped me, he cut me, he burned me, he hurt me...and he threatened me. He said if I told anyone, he'd kill me.' You voice was barely a whisper by now, and all the painful memories the scars had held came flooding out of you. 'If I hand't made dinner, he'd hurt me, if I was up past nine he's drag a knife over my flesh, he did...he did so many things to me...' You scrunched your eyes up in a desperate attempt to not cry.

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